Kresimir Kerestes
Geodetski zavod Slovenije d.d.
Zemljemerska 12, Ljubljana
KEY WORDS: stereoscopy, binocular viewing, DEM, anaglyph, anaglyph map
Representation of the relief on the maps requires some knowledge of the map users to understand it.
Different cartographical techniques and methods are used to represent the third dimension - relief on two-
dimensional maps. Binocular viewing enables a spatial perception (stereo-effect), that could be used for
cartographical purposes as well. This was tested on an example, where a classical two-dimensional map was
converted into “three-dimensional” by using an anaglyph.
Colour perception of the visible light and binocular
viewing gives us possibility of viewing our
surrounding in natural way. In this way we recognise
our surrounding and because of that we feel in the
space domestic, orientated and even safe.
In cartography different techniques were developed
to represent the relief on two-dimensional maps and
to show them in appointed scale. Many of this
techniques, specialy contouring, hill-shading with
hachuring of rocks and layer tinting, or even digital
elevation model (DEM) gives us at least some three
dimensional feeling of shown area. For
understanding of real world shown with this
techniques we should first learn, how to use this
maps. Cartographers are still looking for more
appropriate way to represent terrain for easier
spatial perception to all users of two-dimensional
I made a test in making the map in a way, which
give users better feeling of third dimension. Used
technique is more known in photogrammetry for
appointing a position of point in space with binocular
Figure 1: The map in vector’s form.