Full text: The 3rd ISPRS Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS & the 10th Annual Conference of CPGIS on Geoinformatics

ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, “Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS", Bangkok, May 23-25, 2001 
The independent layers structure can help the users to query 
useful results. If a user wants to find out all documents about 
GIS activities in China, he/ she can choose "China" in location 
layer and perform the query. The result set will contain the all 
the address of web sites that are involved into the GIS 
activities in China. If a user wants to know the activities and 
advancement about data capture technology in China, he/she 
can choose "Data Capture" in term layer, and perform the 
query in former result set. Users can also get a rough sketch 
about the knowledge distribution in countries, or even cities in 
the future, or in a special technology field. The information is 
very useful for researchers. 
The work to add a new independent layer, Application layer, is 
now undergoing (Figure 3). Application layer contains about a 
few hundred existing or potential applications for GIS 
technology, such as Government, Education, Business, Public 
Service etc. Application layer has a tree-like structure, and the 
terms are organized mainly according to careers. 
No-Name has limited power to support Natural Language input 
and Linguistic Analysis. No-Name matches the natural 
language input with the terms and some common words in 
database. The common words includes "all", "some", 
"somehow", "somewhat", "precise", "precisely", "accurate" ... 
The common words are used in No-Name to set a threshold 
for query results. A query needs all related documents will 
generate more results than a query needs somehow related 
documents, and a query needs somehow related documents 
will generate more results than a query needs only precisely 
matched documents. Conversely speaking, a query needs 
precisely matched documents will generate results with higher 
quality than a query needs somehow documents. No-Name 
achieves the goal by assigning the words different fuzzy 
values, like "all" equals to 0.1, "somewhat" equals to 0.5, 
"precisely" equals to 1.0. The fuzzy values are then used to set 
the threshold for query results., and a document can not be 
output if its relevance degree to a query is less than the 
Figure 3 : Application Layer 
Natural language support and multiple independent layer 
structure enable No-Name to support complicate queries from 
users. For example, when a user input "I want to know 
something about remote sensing used in Canada 
government". No-Name will first identify "Canada", 
"Government", "Remote sensing", and "Something" from the 
query, and then find the terms "Canada", "Government", and 
"Remote sensing" in the independent layers, and perform a 
query. "Something" will be assigned a fuzzy value as 
threshold, and the final results will be achieved by filtering the 
prior query results according to the threshold. 
Due to the limitation of free disk space available at server, the 
records number in Database are limited to 20,000 with a total 
size up to 300M. Some general search engine usually 
generate more than thousands of results toward one query. 
Generally speaking, the results after the first 200 are usually 
not relevant to the query according to our experience. To avoid 
wasting time and speeding our test, only the first 200 results 
are accepted and analyzed. 
Assessment on the search engines 
While Yahoo and AlltheWeb are chosen to represent the 
general-purpose search engines, Geo-Community is chosen to 
represent the current GIS search engine. Their performances 
are compared with that of No-Name by studying their retrieval 
results according to same queries. An expert board with 3 
persons is responsible to evaluate the query results. 
Two term sets with 10 and 50 terms respectively are adopted 
to represent the queries. Each query can only contain one 
term. The results are shown in Table 2 and Table 3. 
Table 2 : Query results of term set with 10 terms

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