Full text: Mapping without the sun

This paper analysis gradient gene according to physiognomy 
grade classification index system. Besides, analysis gradient 
zone combination characters. 
4.2 Buffer on basin’s residential distribution of mainstream 
and anabranches, determine relationship extent in correlation 
method, establish mathematics models which could reflect 
idiographic quantity relationship in regression method. 
4.3 Buffer on basin’s residential distribution of national 
highways and province highways, conclude distributing curve 
in correlation and regression methods. Besides, through raster 
data distance graphic, surface analysis, cost weight distance, 
data reclassification, shortest path and etc spatial analysis 
functions, design rational highway layout base on practical 
terrain circs. 
4.4 Overlay soil condition analysis on basin’s resident and 
highways, process analysis and layout considering on utilizing 
style, distribution characteristics and etc facets. 
Through researches on statistics and spatial analysis of 
drainage basin’s import geographical elements, it is redound to 
select the most compatible scale feasible to analysis and 
evaluation the multi-tense, mutil-scale data; besides, analyze 
drainage basin’s import geographical elements in manifold 
methods on the view of quantitative and molar facets, it would 
strengthen spatial information technique application level in 
compositive analysis and evaluation of the international river, 
withal, offer references to the basin’s programming and 
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