a result, the process no longer describes a global birth-and-death
but regional expansions and shrinkages of the sets under study
namely the front, the seats and the scar of the spread. We draw
from the model instructive simulations and a precise predictor of
scars that actually occurred in the State of Selangor during the
period 2000-2004.
For the moment, fire daily predictions were not tested. This will
be a future work to undertake.
Figure 8: Cumulative number of hot spots from 2000 to 2004,
during the periods April-June (a), July-September (b), and
October-December (c).
a) b) c)
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Figure 9: a) cumulative number of hot spots from 2000 to 2004,
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Selangor area a(S) is equal to 79, 969 pixels, and in the simula
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fore, by integrating Equation(20) over S, we find numerically
J s 0{x)d(x) = 7 g°g 6g = k f fw{x)d(x)
from which we draw
79,969 k
k = 1.64 x 10~ 3
4.2 Fire spread simulations
If Io stands for the input set, then each point x of Io is replaced
by one of the discs of Figure7, according to the value r(x) of the
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lated new seats I\ = /3(/o) are obtained by intersecting each S(x)
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with intensity 6 = kf w , and by taking the union for all x of Io-
Finally, each point y of the set of new seats I\ is replaced in turn
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consists in the union of the discs S(y).
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two maps r and / of Figure 2. The two simulations differ by
their coefficients k, which are taken such that kb/ k c = 1.5. The
values chosen for kb amplifies the phenomenon. One will notice
that most of the small hot spots of Figure 9a do not develop fires.
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