Seasonal change is greatest in the area of blistered
thin crust with polygonal ridging. In winter much
of the area of covered by shallow standing water which
by late spring exhibits a relatively featureless thin
crust. As evaporation increases through the summer
polygonal ridging and blistering develop. The areas
of thick salt crusts show far less variation and the
main differences relate to water on the surface in
winter and the thrusting of the thick salt crusts
during the summer. The area of aioun shows little
variation as well and the circular patterns of ground-
water associated with it (Jones & Millington, 1986)
can be seen in both the wet and dry seasons. All
three of the above areas however show one major
change between the wet and dry seasons. In the
winter wet season many of the areas exhibit standing
water and upon drying out a relatively clean salt
crust develops. However, in the summer, dry season
much silty and sandy material is blown onto the
salt crusts. This gives them a thin veneer of brown
material and affects the amount of reflectance in
all bands. The wind sculpted and hummocky facies
show the least variation between seasons of all of
the zones. The only noticeable difference which will
affect reflectance patterns is the slight increase
in surface moisture during the winter.
Longer term changes can be identified from
anniversary change detection images which compare
images taken at similar times but in different years.
Satellite orbits and problems of image acquisition
means that it is almost impossible for imagery of
the same day and week to be acquired. Imagery
acquired during the same month is feasible especially
in the dry season at the desert margin but it is more
difficult to obtain in the wet season because of
increased cloud cover.
Changes detected on anniversary images should
ideally indicate longer-term changes as well as areas
of little change indicating areas of long-term
stability. However there are two problems that need
to be considered in interpretating geomorphological
change in anniversary images in desert margin
environments. Firstly, the erratic nature of wet
season rainfall and runoff changes in fluvial and
lacustrine geomorphological phenomena may be
attributable to rainfall and runoff fluctuations
within a season. Consequently the changes may be
seasonal rather than long-term. Secondly, intrinsic
geomorphological changes may be detected which
although representing a long-term change in the
system do not indicate long-term instability as would
be the case with extrinsically-controlled changes.
Examples of longer term changes on the Chotts el
Djerid and el Fedjadj can be divided into two groups.
Firstly, processes which operate each year creating
an annual incremental adjustment of the system.
These can be subdivided into chott marginal processes,
strongly influenced by geomorphological and
hydrological processes in the areas adjacent to the
chotts, and processes operating in the centre of the
chotts, which are mainly artefacts of internal
adjustment of the water-salt-sediment balance. The
second group of processes occur less frequently and
fall into the high magnitude - low frequency category.
These are most likely to be linked to catastrophic
events such as storms with very long return periods
and tectonic activity. Erosion and sedimentation
are responsible for long-term geomorphological changes
on the chott margin. Chott margin erosion occurs in
two ways. Firstly, by cliff retreat at the junction
of the playa and fan sediments (eg. the fan delta and
Chott el Guettar) or at the junction of old remants
or terraces of playa sediments and the contemporaneous
playa surface. Secondly, between the bare playa
surface and the vegetated chott margins where runoff
from adjacent slopes erodes into the vegetated margins
forming a series of runnels which enlarge into
Other marginal facies are dominated by sedimentation
related to either the influx of sheetwashed material
from actively eroding adjacent areas or debris
transported out of alluvial fans. The first
situation is commonly found on the Chott el Fedjadj,
and in places occurs in association with marginal
erosion. Deposition of alluvial fan material is
more commonly found in the southern Chott el Guettar
and the northern Chott el Djerid (Fig. 4).
Marginal processes operating each wet season,
result in small rates of annual geomorphological
change. Consequently, detection of the retreating
vegetated-bare playa boundary and chott marginal
cliffs is unlikely to be seen on remotely sensed
imagery unless the interval between image acquisition
is relatively large.
Sedimentation from alluvial fans onto the chott is
dependent on discharge events with greater return
periods than sheetwash. Consequently, they fall into
the high magnitude - low frequency event category
and the resultant sedimentation can easily be seen
on remotely sensed imagery (Fig. 4)
In the more central facies of the larger chotts in
Tunisia geomorphological redistribution of material
on the chotts related to surface water movement and
groundwater seepage can be identified on remotely
sensed imagery. Examples can be seen in the Chotts
el Fedjadj and el Djerid. (Fig 5& 6,)
Winter runoff gathers on the Sebkhet el Hamma each
wet season and then flows westwards into the Chott
el Fedjadj along very low gradients. Well developed
geomorphological features related to these flow
patterns are found in areas where the playa is
narrow. In Sebkhet el Hamma an inland delta to the
north and a large, mobile sand body to the south
constrict the playa (Fig. 5). Here it is about 2.5km
wide and, for the most part, sparsely vegetated.
The central Chott el Fedjadj is constricted by a 2m
high cliff to the north and the gypsiferous Djebel
Klikr, to the south. Here the playa is less
than 2km wide and mainly unvegetated. Field
observations made in May 1986 found evidence of
recent water flow such as eroded vegetation hummocks,
scoured channels and ripple marks. These flow
features can be seen on the imagery (Fig 5) and
represent zones of relatively fast water flow for a
playa environment and are areas of actively eroding
playa sediments.
On the Chott el Djerid, flow- and splay-like
features are evident in thin salt crust areas. The
trends evident in the salt crusts suggest they were
formed by salt-rich water flowing into a topographic
depression or an area with a lower water table. In
some of the flow lines, which are up to 0.5km wide,
darker channels can be seen suggesting more than one
flow event. Further evidence to support a multiple
flow hypothesis can be seen at the splayed ends of
the features where there is evidence of the uppermost
crusts overlapping other crusts, or salt-rich zones,
beneath them.
These flow features start to the south of the
embanked road (Fig. 6) and measurements of the water
table carried out in 1984 showed that this embank
ment had a marked affect on the water table up to
2km away. It is likely that these features represent
flow of surface water which has dammed up to the
north of the road and then reappears after flowing
under the embankment. It then continues to flow
southwards to the depression or low water table area.
Evidence from southern Tunisia has shown that
seasonal and long-term changes in playa geomorpho
logical phenomena can be detected using digitally
processed Landsat and SPOT imagery. However, when
examining such changes it is important to establish
a framework of the temporal and spatial dimensions
of change for comparison with changes detected on
different types of imagery.
Three classes of geomorphological changes were
identified with reference to satellite data - sub
sampling unit changes, seasonal changes and long-term
Table 1. G
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