Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 2)

characteristic as outlined for the second stage, assisted interpreter 
for discriminating these lava flows from the dam lake. Whitish areas 
in the northern part of lake which indicate the presence of accu 
mulations of very recent sediments is another criteria for discrimi 
nations. Most of the craters of the youngest stage are visible in 
Landsat images. 
According to radiometric data, this lava is about 25.000 years 
old (Ercan et al 1985). 
Mapping of the volcanic rocks on Landsat imagery shows approxi 
mately the same accuracy as from 1: 35.000 scale aerial photog 
raphs of the area. 
Metamorphic rocks appears with distinctive morphological impress- 
sion which is determined by watersheds and drainage patterns. Ru 
ggedness of the unit is much apperant in Band 7. 
Soft Neogene formations are mostly seen in whitish tones and 
could be mapped by the help of Band 5, and colour composite 
image. White tones represent bare slopes consisting of sandy silty, 
tuffaous materials which reflect much of the electromagnetic 
energy in dry season. 
Limestone plateaus which have been formed in Neogene basin 
rocks are also distinct terrain features, occur in the north of first 
stage basalts. They are easily detectable units with flat topography, 
faint signs of internal drainage and site characteristics. These terrain 
features have been isolated by scarp zone which is transferred to 
Badlands occur in the areas where soft Neogene deposits are 
capped by limestone or basalt plateous. They appears as stronly dis 
sected fine textural drainage network in Landsat imagery. Narrow 
straight ravines cause the relief impression. Badland boundries were 
not mapped but typical areas were indicated. 
The boundry between Neogene soft formations and Quaternary 
deposits of Gediz Graben is very clear in Band 5, and especially in 
colour composite image. Graben buttom appears in darker tones in 
Band 5 and bright red in colour composite, which reflects parcels 
of various crops and orchards and makes a distinct contrast with 
the white Neogene sediments. 
Capital letter M in Band 7, points faint meandering belts of Gediz 
2.1 Analysis of lineaments 
The following linear features have been analysed on the Landsat 
Certain faults; distinct on Landsat imagery and proved by earlier 
researches in the field. 
Possible faults; clear on Landsat imagery as distinct lineaments 
and have been decided possible faults in the field. 
Faults; derived from the rows of craters and cones which are vi 
sible in Landsat. 
Most of the faults can be seen on Landsat images clearly. In add 
ition, synoptic view advantage of Landsat imagery has created 
fruitful conclusions for the tectonics of the area. It can easily be 
recognized that the oldest andesitic eruptions occured in the north 
ern part, while relatively younger three basaltic eruptions took 
place in the middle and southern part of Landsat image. Even these 
three basaltic stages have been arranged in rows which are conti 
nuously shift towards south. 
According to the rows of cones, the first stage basaltic lavas have 
been erupted from roughly E—W trending faults or cracks. The 
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Figure 2. M.S.S. Landsat Band 5 
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Figure 3. M.S.S. Landsat Band 7 
rows of the second stage craters which are situated south of first 
stage, imply that they came to the surface by WNW—ESE and 
SW—NE trending faults an cracks. The youngest lavas also erupted 
by the same trending weak zones as happened in the second stage, 
but shifts south, relative to second stage. 
At the upper most south of image,a young depression can be seen. 
This NW— SE trending graben is recent active formation of south 
shifting tectonic activity. In the light of such tectonic pattern, one 
can understand that further tectonic studies and earthquake re 
searches have to be targeted at the southern part of the area. 
Graben Buttom 
Figure 4. Lam 
Figure 5. Land 
Beekman, H.P. 
MTA report,. 
Bergo, G. 1964 
Bircan, A. et a 
Gen<j Tektoni 
Canet, J. and 

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