laminar or gully erosion, depending on the
characteristics of the gradient, the length
and form of the transversal profile. The eval
uation in extended areas of the influence of
the slope arises difficulties .derivated from
the irreality of expressing the characteris
tics of the relief by means of average values.
On the other hand, the calculation of the
slope mean values in small areas and their
extrapolation for more extended regions im
plies an overestimation of its influence,
since the more extended is the area studied,
the more important is the participation of
the areas with minor gradients (Janssen,1 983) .
With regard to studied region, considering
that many landforms seems be morphometrical
ly identical for their common origin and evo
lution, some ranks of slope values corre
sponding to the morphogenetic units of major
recurrence were established by means of aeri
al photo-i nterpretat i on and field measuring.
Consequently, the LS values of each mapping
unit reflects the relative presence of the
shapes included in it.
In the regional distribution of the steep
ness and slope length Values, it can be seen
(FIGURE 5) that these values generally coin
cide with the main geomorpho1og i ca1 units.
So, the highest values are found in the moun
tainous area of the West, decreasing toward
the east in the alluvial plain at the bottom
of the mountain.
FIGURE 5 Regional slope influence
It is well know that the vegetal coverage pro
tects the soil from the direct impact of the
rainfall, facilitates the storage of the wa
ter and the biological activity, and reduces
the dripping. Nevertheless, its importance
increases in the tropical and sub-tropical
regions because of the aggressiveness of the
climate factors. In the studied area, the
evaluation of the vegetal coverage as a fac
tor of erosion risk is complicated by the
marked seasonal cl imate contrasts and the
wide extension and varieties of physiognomies
and crops types. The criteria applied to
obtain the coverage values (factor 11 C" of the
USLE) were the following ones:
a) Determination of the area occupied by each
culture type and vegetal physiognomy within
the area.
b) Setting of the extrems of the natural veg
etation development (dry and wet season).
c) Definition of the calendar of the differ
ent vegetative cycle stages of the main crops
in the area.
d) Representative coverage measurements of
the different types of natural vegetation
growing during the dry and the wet season.
e) Representative coverage measurements of
different crops in three stages of its veg
etative cycle (establishment, development,
f) Calculation of the factor "C" of the USLE
for each type of crop and natural vegetation.
g) Calculation of weighted averages of "C"
values, corresponding to different coverage
types, in each mapping unit.
The evaluation registred by of the area
occupied by each culture was made on the
basis of historical records given by techni
cal agencies. The determination of the per
centage of land occupied by the diverse cov
erage types in each mapping unit was made
through the interpretation of Landsat pic
tures taken during the dry and the wet sea
sons, aerial photos, and ground controls.
The coverage measurements and calculation of
the "C" values were carried out after the
criteria recommended by the Manual 357 of
the United States Departament forAgricu1ture.
On the map of FIGURE 6 it can be seen that
there is a high correlation between the soil
occupation, the cl imate and the coverage val
ues. The eastern slope of the mountainous
region, covered with subtropical wood, pos
sesses the greatest coverage (C<0.1). To
ward the west, the presence of deciduous for
est and summit grass, which can be consid
ered as a indication for minor precipitation
and temperature, show up a slightly coverage
diminution (0.11-0.15). In the central and
eastern part of the area, the Chaco forest,
though affectéd by degradation processes,
shows moderate coverage values (0.16-0.20)
in comparison with the ones of the main crops.
FIGURE 6 Coverage values of the main crops
and natural vegetation units in the region
In this sense, the citrus plantations in the
piedmont plain shows lower coverage values
(0.21-0.25) despite of lesser exploitation,
which are similar to the ones of the sorghum
in the ondulated eastern plain. Finally, in