Figure 2. Map of Öresund
plant. Very limited studies.
D - parts of this shallow bay was planned to be
filled up. The effect on the circulation in the bay
was investigated using a physical model.
- location of second sea outfall for treated se
wage water was determined on the basis of field simu
lations of discharges by means of tracers.
E - planned extension of small island was anticipa
ted to influence water exchange at nearby beach.
Field measurements of some representative flow pat
terns were used as a basis for assessment.
F - sand suction activities have been going on for
a long time in Oresund, producing a number of holes
on the bottom. In areas with weak circulation there
is a risk for deteriorating water quality of the wa
ter in the holes.
Satellite derived data might be used for these
kinds of problems in different respects
1) contributing a data base for the flow behaviour
in Oresund
2) contributing in the development and use of flow
Digital NOAA data and Landsat TM-data have been stu
died - mainly contrast-stretched - on an EBBA-II
image processing system. Water surface temperature
and suspended mterial (pollen, silt) were used as in
dicators of water movements and identification of
different water masses. As for NOAA far-infrared data
the eight least significant bits were used because of
the small water temperature differences involved.
Fig. 3 shows two consecutive passages of NOAA-7:
CH 4: 1984-08-22 at 14.10 and 1984-08-23 at 13.58
The darker the water surface the colder is the water.
In both cases (especially on the 23rd) the surface
waters of Oresund seem to be colder than the water of
Kattegatt or the Baltic. One possible explanation for
these temperature conditions is the behaviour of Öre
sund as a stratified estuary. A surface flow directed
northwards is mostly accompanied by a dense, cold
bottom flow of high salinity to the south and this
cold water is entrained into the surface water thus
lowering its temperature. Another indication of this
explanation is the fact that the cold water region
seems to start in the Copenhagen-Malmö area where a
sill is located.
The discharge of the cold Öresund water into Katte
gatt takes place as a plume somewhat growing in the
NW-direction during the 24h. According to field ob
servations the flow was directed to the north during
this period.
Another interesting detail of Fig. 3 is the seeming
ly developing eddy outside the southern coast - just
Figure 3. NOAA-7 1984-08-22 and 1984-08-23 CH 4.
Öresund and the Baltic
Figure 4. Landsat-2 1975-08-08 CH5. The waters out
side Falsterbo - SW Sweden.
Figure 5. Landsat-5 1984-05-13 TM 6 Oresund and
part of Kattegatt.
Figure 6.
Southern S
Figure 7.
Figure 8.
a dark debt
23rd. The
The west’
could also
CH5 1975-0i
eddy outsi-
rotating a:
enters the
It is, how<
Baltic (Joi