irection 6.
adiance at one
tellite detects
finite width,
from equation
unction H(X):
ponse at wave-
assband wave-
from equations
e atmospheric
on of Planck's
perature if the
ssume the sea
hat the emis-
1 .0.
pheric trans
rom the system
ver, when the
system was not
e based upon
973) was deve-
e is that the
n as the pro-
vidual absor-
or, nitrogen
treated as a
yers, in each of
and the water
Important cons-
the product of
aa transmittan
ce calculated
ceb and Neuen-
sorbing médium,
ce, p, for each
nosphere is sub
s (1976).
explained from
s (sb), and
c atmospheric
continua trans-
ng expressions:
) -1 ) )dp (3.4.a)
t wavelength Al
r vapor (g/kg)
atmosphere to
ived from an
expression similiar to the water continuum transmit
tance (Weinreb and Hill, 1980):
t ( A, P ) « C n U,T=296 K) sec (0 ) / p / T dp (3.5)
where the notation of equation 3.5 is similiar to the
notation of 3.4. C N is the Nitrogen absorption coef
ficients at a reference temperature T=296 K.
The transmittance of the uniformly mixed gases, t ,
is calculated from a simplified method of that used
in the LOWTRAN system (Kneizys, 1983, McClat-
chey, 1972). The uniformly mixed gases are
treated as one unit with fixed concentrations from
McClatchey (1972) as input to the model.
Knowing the transmittances for all the atmospheric
radiative absorbing factors, the total atmospheric
transmittance at wavelength A , pressure, P, and tempe
rature T is given by:
t ( A,P,T) = t ( X,P,T)t ( A,P,T)t (,X,P,T) (3.6)
3.3 Emitted atmospheric radiance
From the equation of radiative transfer (3.2), an
expression for the emitted atmospheric radiance can be
derived (Dalu, 1979). Equation 3.2 can be writ
ten on the following form:
R(A 0 ) = B(A 0 ,T s )t(x 0 ,P 0 )+{l-t(X o ,p o )} B(A 0/ ,T(P)) (3.7)
The notation of equation 3.7 follows the notation of
quation 3.2. B is the weighted, averaged atmospheric
Planck radiance given from:
/ EÎX ,T(p)}dt
- ta;,p 0 )
BÎVT(p)} = 1 (3 - 8)
/ dt
In equation 3.7 and 3.8, the radiance is calculated at
the centre wavelengths, A^, for each of the passbands.
In numerical implementation of the algorithm, all
the integrals are implemented as sums of finite width
intervals across the actual passband. The weightfactor
H (A ) is given for each of the intervals:. h=H(i), i=l,
—-N, where N denotes the number of subintervals of
3.4 Tests of method
In testing the algorithm, the transmittances and radi
ances were calculated for different wavelengths and
atmospheric models. The calculated values were compar
ed to corresponding values reported by others. The
applied atmospheric models were taken from radiosondes
data from Norwegian meteorological stations. In table
2, the comparisons for two different atmospheres are
listed. The first atmosphere is dry atmosphere (0.5 cm
water), and the second is an atmosphere containing
approximately 2 cm water. These two atmospheres are
fairly representative for atmospheres observed in the
Arctic. All results in table 2 are for nadir viewing.
From the comparisons presented in table 2, there is
an fairly good agreement between calculated and repor
ted transmittances. Therefore, to conclude,the deve
loped routines for calculating the total atmospheric
transmittance seem to give reasonable results.
Knowing the transmittances and the atmospheric radi
ance given by equation 3.8, the absolute surface skin
temperature can be derived from inversion of Planck's
radiation law. The last section of this chapter will
deal with calculations of transmittance versus scan
angle for different atmospheres, and the effect upon
the surface temperature.
In figure 3.1 are presented the total transmittance
Table 2. Comparison of calculated and reported trans
mittances .
tw,c “ calculated water transmittance
tWjWH water transmittance from Weinreb and Hill.
t w p - water transmittance from Prabhakara
tN c - calculated Nitrogen transmittance
" Nitrogen transmittance from Weinreb and Hill
cm water
^w ,c
fc w,WH
t w ,P
fc N,c
approximately 2 cm water
versus scan angle for three different atmospheres for
the AVHRR channel 4. In figure 3.2 are illustrated
the introduced errors on the surface temperature by
ignoring the varying scan angle for the three atmos
pheres presented in figure 3.1.
SGan angle (in degrees)
Figure 3.1. Transmittance versus scan angle for three
atmospheres :
1: 0.5 cm vater content
2: 1.3 cm water content
3: 1.5 cm water content.
From the figure 3.1 it is seen that the transmittance
variations are negligible for scan angles less than ^
40 degrees from nadir,for the dry polar atmospheres.
However, the effect is increasing for angles below 40
degrees as the water content increase from 0.5 to 1.5
cm water.
From the curves in figure 3.2, the observed error
introduced by ignoring the across-scan transmittance
variations is less than approximately 0.6 K for scan
angles less than 60 degrees for a polar atmosphere
with water content less than approximately 1.3 cm.
The results agree well with results reported by
Smith (1970). They report errors of order 0.7
K for a polar atmosphere and across-scan angles less
than 60 degrees.
The major limitations in applying optical satellite