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Figure 3. A multitude of sites and a landscape of considerable archaeologic and historic significance
in Southeast Asia (Vietnam) is shown. The main site consists of the ruins of the capital city of
Funan, Oc-eo (1900-1300 BP). As the site was excavated in part by French archaeologists in the
1940's during exploration activities, its contents and those of adjacent sites is still not fully
known. Considerable quantities of precious metals and jewels were discovered, including coinage
of Roman, Greek and Indian origin. The impact of looters is visible over much of the site. In
the process of studying the ancient canal system covering the general landscape and clearly shown
in the imagery, early agricultural fields associated with Funanese occupation were also found.
The site and landscape are not developed and these features in general are not within the current
planning activities of’the Mekong Secretariat (U.N.). As Vietnam is among the poorest countries of
the World, the situation regarding these resources is desparate. The canals are also discernible on
LANDSAT imagery (Lind, 1981). Since the area is affected by major flooding, the satellite data
provides a major aid for potential planning and management. The application of remote sensing is
especially relevant in this area due to its remoteness and difficulty of access.
Feature Key: A. Oc-eo ruins, B. Other sites, C. Ancient canals. Photo scale =
0 400