qualitatively compared to the historic occurrences
of crop failure, food shortages, drought, flooding
and other anomalous weather/non-weather events as
determined from reports newspapers, and computerized
data bases. Episodic data are also used to
"calibrate" the index by establishing a critical
threshold which is associated with crop failure
and/or drought-related food shortages. The
strengths and limitations of all available indices
and models are collectively considered in the
assessment process.
Documented food shortages determined by in-country
field inspections reported by the UN/FAO and
American Embassies during 1979-1983 confirmed that
AISC assessments consistently provide a 3-6 month
alert on potential food shortage situations.
Typically, the initial AISC assessment on
drought/food shortage conditions was issued 30-60
days before the beginning of the crop harvest.
Actual indications of food shortage conditions were
not evident until 2-4 months after harvest.
The NOAA/NESDIS Early Warning Program for Africa has
been upgraded as the result of recent advances in
the application of NOAA polar orbiting satellite
data for agricultural assessment. Color-coded
images and vegetation/biomass indexes are derived
from the NOAA AVHRR sensor (Advanced Very High
Resolution Radiometer) using daily four kilometer
GAC data (i.e., Global Area Coverage). These
satellite products have substantially upgraded
AISC's ability to detect drought, determine its
regional extent between sparse rainfall reporting
stations, and assess relative vegetation/biomass
conditions. Improved assessments of weather impacts
on crops and rangelands are based on the integrated
use of agroclimatic/rainfall index models and NOAA
AVHRR satellite models. The integration of
agroclimatic and satellite derived assessment
information represents a classic opportunity for
using a Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
approach. In fact, AISC staff in Columbia, MO and
Washington, D.C. are using a "light table" system to
overlay and analyze various data for operational
assessment of weather impacts on African
The techniques presently used for processing
information in interpretative visual analysis are
time consuming endeavors which need to be automated,
i.e., computerized. Drawbacks of the manual
technique are unavoidable due to the sheer volume of
spatial, temporal and thematic (special topic) data,
along with the scale at which they are obtained.
There is an urgent need to embrace a new generation
of spatial analysis for climatic impact assessment,
namely automated Geographical Information Systems
To gain a better understanding of our diversified
planet, scientists must gather, store, and analyze
tremendous volumes of data on a wide range of
subjects. Information needed in spatial analysis
can range from bedrock structure, soils, weather
observations, natural vegetation to population
distribution, land use, political, economic and
social structures. Understanding our world in terms
of the physical and cultural landscape entails
identifying and analyzing numerous relationships
resulting from human and environmental interactions.
The range, scope, and magnitude of information
necessary for analyzing this world of the physical
environment, socio-economic systems, and historical
ties can become overwhelming.
In recent years government agencies have
recognized the potential of Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) as a technology suited for rapid data
manipulation. GIS system, therefore, are viewed as
an integral component in spatial problem analysis
and assessment.
A Geographic Information System is the overlaying of
spatial data (i.e., population density, land cover
types, land ownership, transportation network) for
the same geographic space at a uniform scale. In a
more sophisticated expression, a GIS is geocoded
information in a spatial and/or tabular format with
manipulation capabilities of georeferenced
Automated GIS are the results of methodological
changes (i.e., digital data display in image format;
superimposing of two georeferenced images) brought
about by advances in technology. James and Martin
(1981, p. 405) observe that:
. . . changes in the technology of observations and
analysis not only provide spatial scientists
(geographers) with more information than has even
been available before, but also provide a means of
storage and recall, and a way to carry out complex
The advent of automated or computerized data
processing techniques in the 1950's and 1960's
revolutionized the capabilities of creating and
handling all types of information in problem solving
procedures. With the aid of computers, vast amounts
of data can be analyzed quickly and efficiently.
Computers provided new means to analyzing complex
problems through identifying relationships between
variables never before thought possible. It was in
the environment of the "quantitative revolution"
that geographic data processing systems and GIS
An automated GIS is a system that has as its
primary source of input a base composed of
geographic referenced data coordinates, and the
majority of processing is done digitally with a
computer. This digital GIS can be viewed as a
multilayered vertical structure of related
georeferenced data sets designed for use in solving
spatial problems in a computer environment (fig. 1).
Further, GIS are capable of analyzing large volumes
of data acquired from a variety of sources (Marble,
Peuquet and Calkins, 1984).