Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 2)

Symposium on Remote Sensing for Resources Development and Environmental Management / Enschede / August 1986 
Urban-land-cover-type adequate generalization 
of thermal scanner images 
Peter Mandl 
Institute of Geography, University Klagenfurt, Austria 
ABSTRACT: A thermal infrared image showing the urban area of Klagenfurt, Austria on a cloudless day in autumn 
1979 is generalized by forming radiometric and spatial classes and by clustering temperature-value-histograms 
of these generalized data. The results are plotted in map resembling form and interpreted according to thermal 
urban-land-cover-types. The errors appearing in such a generalization are analysed in detail. Some of these com 
plex land cover classes are investigated in detail trying to explain their temperature distributions by the per 
centages of overbuilt and vegetated areas within these different urban'housing quarters. The results of this 
study can be used for urban climate investigations and town planning purposes. 
There are three points which characterize modern aeri 
al remote sensing and which distinguish it from clas 
sical aerial photo interpretation. The first point is 
the possibility to acquire images in the non-visible 
parts of the electromagnetic spectrum like the micro- 
wave or the thermal infrared region. The second point 
is the sensing of discrete and calibrated measurements 
(e.g. by scanner) which allows the drawing of measure 
ment maps and is also the base for the third point, 
the utilization of digital computers to use methods 
of pattern recognition, statistics, etc. for handling 
and analysing the huge amounts of data. These features 
of modern remote sensing have extended the applications 
of this technology in the last two decades. 
One field of research which got many impulses by 
utilizing these new features of remote sensing (parti 
cularly by the introduction of computerenhanced and 
analysed thermal infrared images) is micro climatolo 
gy, especially urban climatology and the application 
of the findings there in town and regional planning. 
A very good review on urban climate research is 
D.O.Lee (1984). One main problem of these sciences is 
to get measurements of climatic parameters covering 
the terrain more or less continuously. The classical 
method to solve this probletn is to drive measurement 
traverses over the test area or to have a fix sensor 
network and to interpolate the data between the mea 
sured traverses or points (e.g. Oke & Hannell 1970 
or Niibler 1979) . 
Now remote sensing can provide urban climatology 
with continuous terrain covering measurements on radia 
tion temperature. Unfortunately this parameter is of 
no direct use for climatology and a conversion of 
radiation temperatures to surface temperatures is com 
plicated because of the differnt error sources that 
influence the remotely sensed data. Nevertheless spe 
cial processed, enhanced and printed images of the 
thermal infrared emission of urban areas have been used 
to find out "heat islands" in various towns, fresh air 
areas in the surrounding of towns or fresh air canals 
into the central towns and to give basic informations 
for planning purposes. 
The aims of this study now are to show special as 
pects of the heat emission field of the urban area of 
Klagenfurt, Austria on a cloudless day at 10 o'clock 
in the morning in autumn. The primary data for this 
were thermal infrared ^mages (8 - 13 ^m wavelength) 
acgiired by a Bendix M S 11-channel scanner on the 
13 of September 1979. A correction of the radiomet 
ric errors in the image which are intern relative er 
rors (0,1-0,2 C), errors due to the atmosphere bet 
ween the objects and the sensor (minus 1-3,5 C for 
the correction from radiation to surface temperature), 
errors due to the emission coefficients of different 
surface cover types and influences of the different 
viewing angles in the image on the thermal emission 
distribution of various areas seemed not necessary 
for the purposes of this study. 
In a first part of this study images of the primary 
data, geometrically rectified from the panoramic dis 
tortion, sliced into five temperature classes were pro 
duced (Fig. 1). The pixels then were stepwise combined 
to "macropixels" consisting of 10x10, 25x25, 50x50 
and 100x100 "micropixels" by calculating the arith 
metic mean value of every macrdpixel. An example of 
the resulting images is given in Fig. 2. All the re 
sults of this first part of the study are described 
in detail in Seger & Mandl 1985. 
In the second part of this study which will be des 
cribed in this paper three main problems are dealt 
1. The determination of the temperature distributi 
ons of typical urban-land-cover-types and their rela 
tions to the proportions of vegetation, asphalt and 
houses in test areas, to find out if thermal data 
can be a good indicator for such "pure" land cover 
2. An error investigation of different generaliza 
tions of the radiometric and the spatial domain of the 
thermal image data. 
3. The attempt of a régionalisation of the thermal 
image using temperature-value-histograms of the macro 
pixels as variables and cluster analysis as classifi 
cation method. 
Digital remote sensing data can be characterized by 
four different types of resolution. In this study the 
temporal and the spectral resolution of the data is 
held constant, a thermal infrared image (9 - 13 /im) 
at one acquisition date is used. The spatial resolu 
tion of the primary data is 2,3m x 2,3m at the nadir 
point and the radiometric resolution is 0,12 C tem 
perature intervall from one data value to the other. 
The thermal image of Klagenfurt consists of 803 x 
3.200 pixels. Each pixel has a precision of 256 pos 
sible values which means that the amount of informa 
tion in the image is greater than 20,5 million bits. 
In order to seperate the user important information 
(signal) from the unimportant one (noise) a very well- 
considered and well-balanced correspondence between 
the objectiv,the degree or level of generalization and 
the methods used for this have to be found. There are

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