Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 2)

, two different 
ly differing in 
ndexed -1, the 
[rainageways are 
esent Borobudur 
irables that of 
id coastal plain 
i in three major 
of K.Sileng and 
uence: at least 
! distinguished, 
in the uplift, 
ithward bends in 
id K. Blongkeng, 
have led to the 
of the area. 
hat the Gendol 
from the Merapi 
uption which he 
l that the slip- 
; be of the same 
will be evident 
? events leading 
f the ’Borobudur 
sequence must, 
probably late- 
when the Merapi 
the foot of the 
:ween the height 
of its deposits 
:he Merapi would 
~es a.s.l at the 
the foot of the 
)n of the Gendol 
height of 2911 
; for parallel 
F cone, midslope 
;he total volume 
would have been 
ition that the 
: has ultimately 
of the front of 
with associated 
event has to be 
the lifespan of 
the Quaternary. 
hills have slid 
3phe of 1006 AD, 
t take a central 
present paper, 
here point to a 
ts turn, was in- 
2 of uplift with 
i other words: a 
Lapsed after the 
2sent morphology 
the possibility 
ic fabric of the 
am kingdom was 
c activity, com- 
Fig.6. The Borobudur 
bined with violent stormfloods, to permit a 
competing alternative centre of power to develop 
successfully in Eastern Java, as suggested by the 
Old-Javanese Erlangga inscription (Van Hinloopen 
Labberton, loc. cit). 
Summarizing: Borobudur temple has never stood by a 
lakeside; the lake had disappared long before the 
construction of the temple was started. 
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