Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 2)

storm water and effluent. Hinderance posed by K.B. 
Feeder canal embankments and its seepage zone, 
calls for proper measures prior to expansion of the 
urban land use on the piedmont areas. 
Based on the behaviour of the site conditions, 
relatively flat areas (LI, L2 and L4 units, see physio 
graphic map), available on the Ganjo Takkar rock 
outcrops and on the western Rock Plains along the 
Jamshoro-Karachi Super Highway, are best sites for 
urban expansion. According to rough estimates, the 
land price of these areas is far less than the areas 
with even lowest agricultural economic potential, situa 
ted in the flood plains. 
The areas with a high agricultural economic potential 
(physiographic unit A2) represent nation's non 
renewable resource which should not be misused for 
urban expansion. 
In order to develop the open areas around the 
saddle between the rock outcrops, natural drainage 
channel remnants have to be developed throughout 
their courses, which are traceable on the aerial 
photographs. The collector drains should be located 
along the natural surface water flow lines. Large-scale 
aerial photography would help in locating these lines. 
Detailed soil survey and topographic survey would 
also help in locating the small shallow basins which 
need to be linked with the main drain through appro 
priate interceptor drains. The deepest parts of the 
meander scars could be developed as lakes for recrea 
tional activities. These sites have rocks at shallow 
depths and hence may not pose seepage problems. 
As soil drainage is associated with particular kinds 
of soils, variations in moisture contents are best 
studied on large-scale aerial photographs (1:10 000). 
Photographs of atleast two seasons should be studied 
for comparison. 
For quantification of the drainage parameters, tests 
should be located on representative sites of the 
selected physiographic units. Soil samples required 
for particle size analysis should be taken from the 
natural soil horizons, especially the soil horizons 
which affect soil drainage. Sampling according to 
pre-established depths would always lead to erroneous 
Abu Bakr, M. and Jackson, R.O. 1964. Geological 
Map of Pakistan, Scale 1:2 million Geological Survey 
of Pakistan, Quetta. 
Ahmad, K.S., 1951. Climatic Regions of West Pakistan. 
Pakistan Geographical Review. Voi VI. 
Beg, M.S., et.al., 1970, Reconnaissance Soil Survey 
Hyderabad. Soil Survey of Pakistan, Lahore. 
Buringh, P. 1960. The applications of Aerial Photo 
graphs in Soil Surveys, Manual of Photographic 
Interpretations, Washington D.C. 
Goosen, D., 1967. Aerial Photo-interpretation in Soil 
Survey. Food and Agricultural Organization of the 
United Nations, Rome. 
Government of Pakistan, 1980. Population Census of 
Pakistan. District Census Report of Hyderabad and 
Karachi. Government Printers, Karachi. 
Jalal-ud-Din, Ch. Brinkman, R. and Rafiq, M. 1970. 
-Soils of the Indus Delta. Soil Survey of Pakistan, 
L.I.P., 1965-1966 (different volumes). Lower Indus 
Report, West Pakistan WAPDA. Hunting Technical 
Services Ltd. and Sir Mcdonald and Partners. 
Mian, M.A. and Brinkman R., 1970. Soil Surveys 
and their Uses in Town Planning and Siting and 
Design of Buildings. Engineering News, Lahore. 
Mushtaq Ahmad, et.al. 1971. Reconnaissance Soil 
Survey, Nawabshah. Soil Survey of Pakistan, 
PEPAC, 1986. Physical Environments studies, Greater 
Hyderabad Master Plan. 
Soil Conservation Service (USDA), 1983. National 
Soils Handbook, Application of Soil Information 
Soil Survey Staff (USDA), 1951. Soil Survey manual, 
Hand Book No. 18. Government Printing Office, 
Washington, USA. 
Syal, M.N., 1973. Study of soils for designing high 
ways in Larkana District, with a special reference 
to causes of subsidence of Larkana-Ratodero road. 
Soil Survey of Pakistan, Lahore, Pakistan. 
Tahir, M.A and Mushtaq Ahmad, 1977. Soil Map, 
an Aid to Civil Engineering, Pakistan Scientific 
Vink, A.P.A., 1963. Aerial Photographs and the 
Soil Science, UNESCO. Paris. 
Wadia, D.N., 1966. Geology of India. The English 
Language Book Society of Macmillan and Co., 
WAPDA, 1979. Planning Report, Hyderabad City 
Drainage Project. Project Planning Organization, 
South Zone, Hyderabad.

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