Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 2)

Symposium on Remote Sensing for Resources Development and Environmental Management / Enschede / August 1986 
The potential of numerical agronomic simulation models 
in remote sensing 
Centre for World Food Studies, Wageningen-Amsterdam, Netherlands 
ABSTRACT: Long-term experience with numerical agronomic simulation techniques has resulted in a methodology that 
is specifically application-oriented. Incorporated in a geographic information system, which consists of static 
data on land, the simulation model has proven to be a valuable tool in a quantitative land evaluation (i.e. the 
identification and quantification of possible land use developments). Introduction of Remote Sensing Images will 
introduce the possibility to monitor actual crop growth situations (land use, crop development). The ability to 
monitor actual crop growth using RS images enhances the detection of 'problem areas' and thus the system can be 
used for early warning purposes. The paper will describe a GIS system including crop growth models. The possible 
uses of RS images in such a system and the possibilities of such a system as a partial substitute of ground 
truth in RS analysis will be developed and demonstrated in the paper. 
1 Introduction 
Satellite Remote Sensing (RS) provides a scientific 
tool to analyze the spatial variability in the momen 
tary state of the surface of a defined area on the 
earth, and applying the multi-temporal possibilities 
of Remote Sensing, the differential change of the 
state in space and time. The usefulness of the infor 
mation obtained by RS depends on the one hand on the 
type of RS techniques applied, including their spa 
tial resolution and on the other hand on the avail 
ability of real information about the observed re 
gion, i.e. the ground truth, regarding the actual 
land use and vegetation, the landscape and soils, 
the hydrological and meteorological conditions, etc. 
This paper discusses the possibilities for reduc 
ing the required ground truth data for RS image in 
terpretation purposes by the introduction of numer 
ical simulation models on plant- and crop growth 
within the framework of a Geographic Information Sys 
tem (GIS). The disciplines involved are treated and 
it is argued that all applications will benefit from 
a close cooperation. 
2 A systems approach to plant- and crop growth 
To study the complex, continuous reality of the 
world, a meaningful (as related to the goal of the 
study) section of the reality has to be identified 
and separated from its environment. To obtain rele 
vant and useful results, such a section, i.e. a so 
called system - in the systems approach terminology 
- must be sufficiently complex to exhibit a high de 
gree of internal coherence. But on the other hand, 
it must be simple enough for comprehension and in 
vestigation (Chorley, Kennedy, 1971). For a region 
al, agricultural land use analysis the conceptual 
model of the system must at least cover the two main 
objects involved, i.e.; 
i. land, which comprises according to the F.A.O. 
description (Brinkman, Smyth, 1973) all the earth- 
related features such as landscape, soil, hydrology, 
weather, vegetation and man made structures; and 
ii. the farming system, or all the human activi 
ties that are directly and indirectly, related to 
agriculture in the region. 
The selected features or object attributes, inclu 
ding their observed or assumed relations, determine 
the type of model applied. A schematic distinction 
can be made between: 
i. stochastic models, that contain statistical re 
lations between some relevant and perceptible at 
tributes of the system and lead indirectly to the 
required results. The functioning of the system in 
terms of the flow of energy, mass and information 
within the system is considered a black box. 
Specimens of this approach are the commonly used 
(multiple) regression models, such as that by 
Wiegand and Richardson (1984) and Ambroziak (1985). 
The former describing the relation between incident 
photosynthetic active radiation, leaf area index and 
yield of defined crops. Ambroziak estimates yields 
using actual monthly total precipitation and the 
condition of the crop as deduced from its reflec 
tance, in combination with historical records on the 
performance of a crop in the selected regions. 
A disadvantage of this type of models is their in 
herent specific character with respect to the site 
and crop type; they do not separate causes and can 
not be applied in evaluation modules, assuming pos 
sible changes within the current agricultural sys 
ii. deterministic models, where at a predefined lev 
el of generalization the variables and their relat 
ions are formulated and quantified, based on insight 
in and knowledge of the underlying basic processes. 
Such models are applicable under a wide range of 
conditions after a sound validation and calibration 
procedure (van Keulen, 1976). 
The Centre for World Food Studies has developed 
such a 'cause-and-effect' model for agricultural 
production, following a hierarchical approach (van 
Keulen, de Wit, 1982). A top-down approach is ap 
plied to generate production estimates (expressed in 
kg/ha of dry matter of various components of the 
crops as roots, stems, leaves and storage organ) for 
specific crops, cultivated at specific locations, 
with specific growth periods (van Keulen, Wolf, 
1986; Rappoldt, 1986). The latter are characterized 
by their specific soil and weather conditions. For 
any crop, characterized by its genetic and physio 
logical properties, the model (fig. 1) starts with 
the calculation of the potential production as a 
function of the incident photo-synthetic active ra 
diation (PAR, roughly 50 percent of the global ir 
radiance) and the temperature only. 
This potential can subsequently be reduced by the 
negative influence on crop production of the lack or 
excess of water (using a water balance model with 
time steps of one day), the lack of plant nutrients 
and the occurrence of weeds, pests and diseases. 
Fig. 2 shows some model results: for example produc 
tion of Pearl Millet calculated for Dori, Burkina 
Faso, using long-term mean monthly meteorological

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