tral boundaries that
. The addresses or
be such that they
that there is no
jister and, ideally,
ints, houses, and the
The utility lines
lly recorded, of the
sd with the aid of
3 zoning which will
enforced to control
a parcel or parcels
) between the rural
r interest.
the above data may
>. The recording of
ted to large scale
e depicted by tonal
aph for determining
.alogue format while
3 in digital format.
Lai photograph into
a resultant loss in
also usually only
.ainly panchromatic,
the other imagery,
ematic Mapper (ATM)
many of the rural
'.elus scanner which
^solution of better
3 including thermal
ied in a satellite,
i that it can be
;o a site and await
may, however, be a
5.3 Satellite imagery
With the increasing resolution of satellite imagery, for
example with SPOT, this has increased to 10 metres in
the single band. This data will be increasingly
suitable for obtaining details of resources of rural
The SPOT imagery has the added advantage that it has
stereoscopic potential and therefore the vertical
dimension can be established.
The imagery referred to in the previous chapter will be
suitable for recording those resources that exist on
the surface of the earth. The limitation will be the
resolution of the imagery, the size, shape, and the
spectral signature of the object being recorded. All
the descriptive data, names, property description, and
ownership will have to be obtained from other sources.
6.1 Using aerial photography
The aerial photograph would primarily be used for
producing the topographic or cadastral map where the
boundaries are visible from the air. The position of
houses and other improvements on the land can be
established from the aerial photograph. With
photographs in the thermal band it will be possible to
detect water boundaries as well as the position of
flood plains provided the data is collected close to
flooding or the 'marks' are retained.
6.2 Using airborne thematic mapper
With the ATM having multiple bands a wide range of
resources can be recorded. The thermal infra-red band
can be used for detecting services and the image shown
was used for this purpose.
6.3 Using satellite imagery
Many of the natural resources in rural areas can be
recorded with satellite imagery. The second generation
satellites have improved resolution and have
stereoscopic capabilities. However, because of the
resolution of the satellite imagery, compared with
aerial photography, resources may only be recorded over
larger areas than the average sized parcel.
The data that is collected together for an MPC, which
contains the resources related to land parcels, can be
used for improvements.
7.1 Digital terrain models
By combining the three dimensional model, or Digital
Terrain Model (DTM), with other details of the land
parcel it will be possible to consider improvements.
Such details as aspect, sun elevation and shadow,
relative elevation, can be incorporated with the DTM.
From the model it will be possible to establish the
agricultural crops as related to the above details. The
anticipated runoff and hence the storage of water in a
catchment area can be determined, Information on the
soils, vegetation has to be combined with data on
slopes to determine runoff, these are some of resources
that will need to be obtained.
7.2 Consolidating land parcels
When two or more land parcels are combined to make a
Thermal infra-red image showing
surface and indications of
underground features
viable unit the DTM can assist in establishing the new
boundaries. The MPC can supply all of the data for
each of the constituant parcels and the 'planes' of data
can be added to the DTM to see if they are compatible.
* There will be a need for a dense network
of boundary or network cpntrol within
which the resources can be recorded.
* The use of the airborne thematic mapper
will enable more resources to be recorded
and at a greater resolution.
* That imagery in digital format, compatible
with much of the other data is the most
acceptable and manageable,
* That data of resources in analogue format
will have to be digitised to make it
* Resources and services are contained below
as well as above the surface of the earth
and imagery to detect them is required.
* The multi-purpose cadastre is an ideal
data base in which information on rural
resources can be stored.
* By incorporating selected data from the
multi-purpose cadastre with a digital
terrain model improvements can be achieved
for the land parcel.