ID #
Survey )
Figure 5. Standardized entity file
5.3 Datalogical Model
As explained earlier, the point file (or points
record type) is of great importance. Polygonal and
line data refer to points, which are stored
uniquely. But since several occurrences of polygons
(adjacent polygons, for example) will refer to the
same points, an auxiliary record type must be used.
Lines and polygons can be represented by the same
record type, which would carry an indicator as to
whether a line or polygon is represented, with the
assumption in the latter case that there is a line
segment from the last point back to the first.
Taking geological data as an example, the data
record for a particular occurrence will contain
information for a particular area, including a
unique identifier, the source of the data, a pointer
to the correct polygon in the line/polygon records
and a pointer to the appropriate paradigm file. The
structure of this data will be as shown in Figure 5.
With some variations, survey control, hydrography,
surface cover and DEM data can be handled in much
the same way. For example, hydrography involves
both line data (for rivers) and polygon data (for
lakes), but can otherwise be handled as described
above. Processing of DEM data, due to its
complexity, will have to be handled by a special
applications program outside of the DBMS. Within the
data base it will suffice, therefore, to have some
basic information, the DEM type, the source of the
data etc., as well as a pointer to the correct data
record in a separate file of DEM information.
Transportation data, including such things as
roads and power lines, can also be handled as
described above, except that an extra "level" of
information may be required. Different sections of
a highway may have been built by different contrac
tors, for example, and therefore there may have to
be a record type which is subordinate to, or "owned
by", the record type for roads, which describes a
segment of a road that has constant attributes.
Land related information systems are becoming more
important as tools to assist in spatial data
management. By interfacing such systems with modern
data acquisition and storage technology, such as
satellite remote sensing and data base management
systems, further significant payoffs are possible.
This paper has reported on research that is
integrating a range of spatial data types into an
LRIS. Apart from the normal range of conventionally
derived thematic data, also included are remotely
sensed data as well as DEM and survey data. This
has resulted in design criteria involving a more
complex conceptual model than would be typical of
less comprehensive geographic information systems.
As well, the research has resolved certain practical
aspects of data acquisition and storage. What
remains to be done is to complete the development of
the prototype LRIS in order to undertake an
evaluation of the system to assess its potential for
more extensive application.
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