fluences internal drainage, surface runoff, and espe
cially erosion. It also affects the use of farm machi
nery by inhibiting its use in areas of high relief.
Information on relief or slope gradient can be very u-
seful in determining the construction of septic sys
tems. The extent of each of the dominant relief clas
ses in Indiana is shown in Table 3. Figure 7 illus
trates the spatial location of the dominant relief
classes. This information shows a good relationship
with potential erosion estimates.
Table 4 presents all the soil associations in the
state with their respective tabular information (at
tributes) used to generate the interpretive maps and
statistical information. The production of digital
interpretive maps does not involve changes in the ori
ginal data set. It uses attribute files to regroup
the original map units into interpretive classes in
real time. These new data (Interpretive maps) can be
used in analysis and modeling processes with other
resources data sets available in the GIS.
The element soils constitute one of the basic and
fundamental component of any natural resources geogra
phic information system. This is shown by the way in
which soils are related to other environmental resour
ces. These relationships indicate potential interac
tions and provide information which could improve plan
ning and decision making activities at different levels
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