Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 2)

The general relations described above are less dis 
tinct in some parts of the area possibly resulting 
from the worse and not sufficient teotonic and geolo 
gical recognition. The precision of such a recogni 
tion is therefore incomparable with that of the re 
mote sensing images /as for lineaments at least/ but 
the coincidence might increase with the better teo- 
tonio recognition of the Cretaceous bedrock. 
It results from the disscusion presented above, that; 
1 -Lineaments observed in the satellite images of 2u- 
lawy Wig lane might be understood with a great possi 
bility as the surface traces of buried tectonic line 
ar disjunctions developed in the brittle series of 
the Upper Cretaceous calcareous rooks and projected 
as faults through the soft and loose Cainozoio sedi 
ments onto the recent surface. Such the projection 
seems to be evidenced by the high regularity of the 
lineaments observed what would be difficult to ex 
plain when rejecting their tectonio origin. The geo 
logical conditions in not intensively disturbed plat 
form sediments imply the regular pattern of disjunc 
tive structures, its preservation and projection. 
2 -Lineaments should be referred to the disjunctive 
structures olosest to the recent surface, namely tho® 
se of the Cretaoeous series. The fraotures in the 
calcareous series oausing the block structure easily 
underwent the reactivation what is suggested by the 
detailed pattern of projection of inner structures 
onto the surfaoe. 
3 -The activation of teotonic blocks of the Cretaoe 
ous series occurred not only in the Holocene /what is 
evidenced by the present visibility of the lineaments 
on the delta sediments surface/ but could have taken 
place even earlier, controlling the erosional and 
depositional processes in the periods younger than 
Cretaoeous, especially in the Pleistooene. During the 
time of glaciations the fractured Upper Cretaceous 
slab lying on unstable basement consisted of sands, 
clays and siltstones of Cenomanian was influenced due 
to glaciations by the ohanging load of overburden. 
4 -The activity of the certain blocks affeoted also 
the sedimentation and/or the selective erosion of the 
rocks older than calcareous Cretaceous series what 
might be suggested by an extent the sandy member of 
Cenomanian. These sands occur in the block lying in 
the west from the line Tczew-Nowy Staw-Nowy Dw6r Gd. 
Their extent remains in agreement with the run of two 
sets of lineaments, namely that parallel to the line 
Tczew-Nowy Staw-Elbl«\g, and that orossing them of 
submeridional /Nowy Staw-Nowy Dw6r Gd./ orientation. 
The lineament pattern observed in the area of Zulawy 
Wiilane might be therefore characteristic not only 
for Cretaceous but also for the whole Jurassic-Creta 
ceous series. 
5 -The hitherto presented facts prove the hypothesis 
concerning the significance of the lineament as a re 
flection of the fractures and dislocations ocouring 
in the brittle rocks of the Upper Mesozoio. Since 
there exists simultaneously a high probability of an 
influence of these structures on sedimentation and 
erosional processes in the different periods of Caino- 
zoic, the geological data there should be re-interpre 
ted with regard to the lineament pattern. The linea 
ments themselves should be treated as the traces of 
possible disloca tion zones as well as of mobility of 
the basement. They shoul be taken into account when 
interpreting the geological cross-sections and con 
structing the geologioal maps. The authors propose to 
oonsider the lineaments pattern as an indicator of lo 
calization, orientation and continuity of the geolo 
gioal phenomena under prospeotion and recognition. 
The presented above hypothesis on the possible role 
and significance of the lineaments in the area of ¿u- 
lawy Wiilane should be practically verified as appear 
there newer geologioal data from the boreholes and 
other geological works /e.g. geophysical ones/. 
Authors believe that the information from this area 
may be used in the areas of a comparable geological 
s true ture. 
Baiynski, J. 1980. Metody interpretaoji geologicznej 
zdj§6 sutelitamych wybranyoh obszardw Polski. 
/Methods of geologioal interpretation of the sate 
llite images of choosen parts of Poland/. Instruk- 
eje i Metody Badah Geologicznyoh, 4^. Warszawa, 
Inst.Geol. - An Polish only/. 
Dadlez, R. fed./ 1980. Tectonic map of the Zechstein- 
-Mesozoio structural complex in the Polish low 
lands 1:500 000. Warszawa, Inst.Geol. 
Karaczun, K. <k S.Kubioki&W.Ryka 1982. Lithological 
map of crystalline basement surface in Polish part 
of the East-European Platform 1:500 000. In S.Ku- 
bicki W.Ryka /eds./, Geologioal atlas of crystal 
line basement in P 0 lish part of the East-European 
Platform, Table 2. Warszawa, Inst.Geol. 
Kozerski, B.&A.Kwaterkiewioz 198^. The salinity zones 
of the ground waters and their dynamics on the Vis 
tula Delta Plain. Aroh.Hydroteoh. Polit.Gdanskiej. 
- An Polish only/. 
Kublcki, S. &W.Ryka 1982. Structural-teotonic map of 
crystalline basement in Polish part of the East- 
-European Platform 1:500 000. In S.Kubioki W.Ryka 
/eds./, Geologioal atlas of crystalline basement 
in Polish part of East-European Platform, Table 3. 
Warszawa, Inst.Geol. 
Mojski, J.E. 1976. Arkusz Gdansk. Mapa Geologiozna 
Polski 1:200 000 /Sheet Gdansk. The Geologioal Map 
of Poland, 1;200 000/. Warszawa, Inst.Geol. - 
/Explanation in Polish only/. 
Mojski, J.E. 1983. Lithostratigraphic units of the 
Holocene and surphaoe morphology of the bedrook in 
the northwestern part of the Vistula Delta Plain 
/2ulawy Wi^lane/. Geol.Jb. A71;171-186. 
Sadurski, A.<fcS.Kibitlewskl 8c B.Daniel-Danielska /in 
print/. Statistical analysis of Landsat lineaments 
of the Vistula Delta Plain. Aroh.Hydroteoh. Polit. 
Gdanskiej. - /English summary/. 
Sheets of the Geological Map of Poland 1;200 000j 
Sheet Grudziqdz, A.Makowska 1972; Ilawa, A.Makowska 
1976; Elbletg, A.Makowska 1977. Warszawa, Inst.Geol. 
An POlish only/. 
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