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Figure 5c. Schematical localisation of geochemical
anomalies (black squares) at the intersection of brec-
ciated lineaments defining closures of synforms.
Figure 5d. Stereographic projection of minor fold axes
in the emerald bearing Eastern Cordillera, Colombia.
2.3.Economic aspects
The deviatoric part of the horizontal stress field
seems to split the crust in the direction of maximum
horizontal compression before it fails by shear faul
ting. Fractures with this appropriate direction and
relation to shear fractures appear filled up by epi
genetic solutions of possible economic interest. If
the Zambian quartz-dykes are examples of a non-minera-
lized fill, kimberlite dykes and pipes outcropping un
der the same favourable conditions with respect to
strike and attitude in the Lofoi area (Shaba, Zaire),
are more interesting targets.
Geochemical exploration in the emerald bearing part
of the Eastern Cordillera, Colombia, illustrates the
effects of the stretching and thorough fracturing in
the lowermost beds of the passively folded and faulted
synforms. All anomalies indicating environments fa
vourable for emerald mineralization are situated at
the intersection of brecciated lineaments bordering
some of the synforms (fig. 5c).
It is currently accepted that, except for uplifted and
isostatically compensated regions where the stress
field would be tensional (Artyushkov 1973), most of
the continental plates are slightly compressional (i.g
Fleitout & Froidevaux 1983). The lithosphere act as a
guide for this deviatoric field and may be treated as
a continuum. The repetitive pattern of trends of line
aments and their spatial relationship with geological
structures indeed suggest that the former are the
effects of a uniform strain emanating from continuous
and homogeneous processes. As far as the distribution
of the stress field within the Earth's lithosphere and
crust is concerned, the classical theory of a conti
nuous elastic plate may be applied. Much of the obser
ved strain in the crust however is of ductile nature
and results from plastic processes. The applicability
of elastic theory to geological processes in nature
is thus restricted to the time period between the on
set of loading of the planar continuum to the moment
the elastic material fails by brittle fracturing or
deforms in a plactic way.
3.1 The homogeneous field
The stress field in the plate interior depends largely
on the strength of the applied forces, on the geometric
outline of the loaded plate and on the boundary condi
tions. Pure shear does not rotate the strain axes and
stress and strain remain co-axial. A study implemented
on a triangular body (Dehandschutter in prep.) shows
a good gross correlation of the obtained stress tra
jectories and lines of elastic slip with the observed
strain in the triangular corner of the South America
Plate, the northern Andes.
Nevertheless is it very clear as well that factors
of lower order do control stress distribution and
strength of the deviatoric field. The elements of the
analysis given in 2 above suggest that a prime factor
in control of the stress field and the resulting fi
nite strain, is the presence of intersecting groups
of lineaments which apparently act as discontinuities
in the uniform crust. The elastic constants of the
solid in the lineaments may either be higher or lower
than the corresponding values in the plate's interior.
3.2 The discontinuous field
In order to evaluate the influence weak discontinui
ties may have on the stress field, a triangular plate
made of photoelastic resin was cut in two perpendi
cular directions (figs. 6,7) representing a possible
combination of ENE and NNW lineaments. The lineaments
or weak discontinuities in the model were filled with
another resin the modulus of elasticity of which is
5 times less stiff than the material in the interior
of the plate. The photoelastic analysis was seconded
by a numeric finite elements control (fig. 7).
Some results of the experiments done on the trian
gle are extendable to more universal conditions. It
is found that the primary or undeviated field which
is known from the investigation of the homogeneous
triangle obtains in the interior of the blocks se
parated by weak discontinuities.
The weak lineaments create a field of influence
around their strike (fig. 6a) in which the expected
trajectories (fig. 6a) of maximum compression (pri
mary field) are deflected towards parallelism with
the lineaments and the edges of the relatively stiff
blocks (fig. 6c). The adges of the stiff blocks have
the tendency to act as stress guides. The degree to
which trajectories inside the blocks are deflected
depends on the elastic contrast between the block
and the weak lineament.
Figure 6. Elastic stress distribution in a triangle
cut by weak discontinuities. A. Fields of influence
of weak zones and sigma 1-trajectories in homogeneous
triangle; B. Azimuth and magnitude of axes of maximum
and minimum compression, thickness in lineaments =
thickness in blocks; C. Refracted and reflected tra
jectories; D. Axes of max. and min. compression,
thickness lineaments = thickness blocks/2.
Trajectories entering or leaving the weak linea
ments are strongly refracted (fig.6c). The axes of
minimum compression are re-oriented inside the zones
where they strike parallel to the trend of the line
aments. The axes of maximum compression correspon
dingly turn towards perpendicularity with the res
pective lineaments. The angle of incidence of the
Figure 7.
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