were engaged by the Punjab Govt, to provide the
necessary consultancy services. A resident team of 3
experts was made available to the Punjab Government,
for two years. The team selected ten representative
catchments of the Kandi tract for the detailed study
and preparation of Feasibility Reports for each catch
ment during their stay of two years in the state of
Punjab. The resident team was assisted by the local
professional staff of Engineers, Hydrologists, Hydro
geologists & Economists of the Planning & Design
Studies Directorate (I.B.) of Punjab Government.
An accurate and detailed base map depicting the upper
catchments and the Kandi plains under each watershed
taken up for the preparation of Feasibility Reports for
their development was the prime necessity to carry
out the detailed study. Thus it was decided to have
a base map of each watershed on 1:20,000 scale,which
was also adopted as the standard scale for all the
thematic maps required under the project. It was
further decided that the base map should provide the
following minimum information for each watershed to
serve for the detailed hydrological, hydrogeological,
soils system and forestry planning programme of the
4.1 Upper catchments
1 Demarcation of overall catchment with sub-catch
2 Demarcation of all major and minor drainage system
3 Demarcation of cultivated areas whether irrigated
or under rainfed conditions
4 The sites of severe bank-cuttings along the major
5 Locations of suitable dam sites on major streams
and small dam sites on their tributaries
6 Stream behaviour-perennial or non-perennial
7 Extent of baseflow in the major stream beds
8 Vegetative cover categorisation to evaluate the
extent of erosion in the Siwaliks under the
following norms:
Category 1 - Good tree cover (50-75%) with good
bush and grass cover
Category 2G - Intermediate tree cover (25%-50%)
with good bush and grass cover
Category 2 - Intermediate tree cover (25%-50%)
with intermediate bush and grass cover
Category 3 - Poor tree cover (25%) with poor bush
and grass cover.
9 Demarcation of habitation sites if ,any.
4.2 Kandi plains
1 Mapping of entire length of all the streams pass
ing through the area
2 Demarcation of active flood plains which are gene
rally devoid of any grass cover
3 Demarcation of old flood plains which are flooded
only during the high flood period and are gene
rally covered with Sarkanda grass
4 Demarcation of abandoned flood plains and palaeo-
channels where a fair distribution of tree cover
and Sarkanda grass generally occurs
5 Sites of bank erosion along the stream length
where flood protection measures like bunding,
embankments, spurs or diversions if any are
6 Landslope categorisation to plan for the overall
development of Kandi plains for irrigation, soil
conservation/horticulture programme under the
following norms:
-Very steep unevenly eroded land
-Medium to steeply sloping land
-Generally uncultivated land with Sarkanda grass
-Moderate to shallow sloping cultivated land
-Cultivated land in the hilly area.
7 Demarcation of habitation sites if ,any.
As the existing topographic maps of the area were
found unsuitable for such a detailed study, it was
decided to have the base maps prepared from aerial
photographs. The aerial photographs on 1:50,000 scale
of the project area were procured from Government of
India in the early stages of the Project.
The resultant base maps of each watershed were ori
ginally prepared on 1:50,000 scale and then blown up
to the required scale of 1:20,000. Transfer of surface
contours with a contour interval of 20 metres in the
plains was done on photo-interpreted maps to serve as
full fledged base maps. The infrastructure and expe
rtise for aerial photo-i±nterpretation existed in the
Planning and Design Studies Dte,(I.B.), Punjab and it
was carried out by the authors along with the requi
site cartographic works with the help of drawing staff
made available to the project.
The base map prepared - from photographs has been uti
lised for the preparation of a number of final thema
tic maps utilised in the Feasibility Reports of rep
resentative watersheds under the Kandi Watershed and
Area Development Project, by dombining the data derived
from aerial photographs and the ground based data.The
final maps prepared for each watershed are as under:
1 Map showing sub-surface lithology & location of
deep tubewells
2 Water level elevation contour & depth to water
contour map
3 Groundwater quality map
4 Present land use map
5 Land capability & feoil classification map
6 Problem map of Soils
7 Layout of dam based irrigation scheme
8 Map showing layout of ground water based irrigation
9 Map showing flood plain and flood protection
measures in the Kandi plains.
Fig.l represents the sketch-photo-interpretted base
map of Sughrao watershed, prepared from aerial photo
graphs of 1:50,000 scale. Sughrao is a tributary of
Budki Nadi which meets the main Satluj river down
stream of Ropar town. Its two branches Kakot Nala and
Haripur Nala merge to form Sughrao near village
Baghwali at a distance of about 7 to 8 kms downstream
of the hilly tract which later on flows in a north
easterly direction.
The upper catchment of Sughrao Choe system covers
an area of 45.50 sq.kms. The entire drainage net work
has been mapped along with the area under cultivation
and the habitation sites. The vegetative cover cate
gorisation of the upper catchment has been done to
judge the extent of erosion and to plan the suitable
remedial measures, as discussed earlier. The location
of possible main dam sites and small dam sites has
been marked to work out the hydrological studies of
each site.
The area lying in the Kandi plains has also been
subjected to detailed mapping. The main streams along
with their net work of tributaries and all the habi
tation sites has been demarcated. It has also been
subjected to land slope categorisation as discussed
earlier to plan for the irrigation, soil-conservation,
agriculture & horticulture development of the area.
The main canals, roads, railway lines surface level
countours (not shown in the present map) has also been
mapped on the base map making it as a full fledged
tool for thematic mapping. The present procedure