10 times magnifi-
Lve photomorphic
=d in detail on
tographs were stu-
the zoom-transfer
:s in the desert
rations and the
rerent physiegtra-
V7^A t6 (Mile Valley) UTHl 251/7(263)
m nu) □ 263
different erosio-
rhe different docu-
1 erosion process
>attern. Multista-
ilize the belts of
:d limestone pla-
U r 7\ (Nile /alley)
HI 263/189,c.Y.h,?
ŒC53 189-263, c,Y,h,P/b
STÀI 3/4,m-c,Y,h,P/b
5~gl V263,.u,Y,h,P
CH3 263.f.Y,h,P/b
Fig. 3 - Multistage analysis of a sand dune zone
A. Macro photomorphic units
3. Micro pnotomorphic units
C. Aerial photo interpretation
0. An aerial photograpn or* a sand dune belt (scale 1:40,000)
HI 12(263)
ÜQJ -(263) ( ! 89)
!63,f ,Y,H,b
ilysis of a sand sheet zone,
imorphic units
morphic units
:o interpretation
Low elevatea area (sanay
1' A Mile Valley
4.1.1 Sand sheet area
This landform is visible on the colour composites,
just west of the Nile Delta and along the northern
part of the Nile Valley. The Macro-photomorphic units
(fig. 2a) are characterized by bright coloured wide
patches. The field investigation indicates that some
parts, within this area, are covered by gravel and
pebble deposits rather than by sand. It was found
also that the deposits are characterized by the alter
nation of layers (1-2 cm) of medium to fine sand and
gravel. The subtle colour differences, appeared in
the micro-photomorphic level(fig. 2B), may represent
differences in size, spacing and composition of pebble
deposits (El-Baz and Maxwell 1979).
The aerial photo-interpretation of a representative
area of sand sheet (fig. 2C) made it possible to see
that it is characterized by an undulating topography.
It was also possible to follow tne weax drainage pat
tern in the rocky surface, which is controlled by NW
SE direction. That direction corresponds to the NW
SE direction of the fractures and the faults(Said
4.1.2 Sand dune belts
This physiographic unit was observed in the macropho-
tomorphic unit level interpretation on the colour
composite (fig.3A) as a light coloured area (e.g.
bluish white, mixed with light purplish pink). The
microphotomorphic level subdivided this area into
smaller units of different colour shades (fig. 3B).
The interpretation of that area on a scale 1:100,000
(fig. 3C) revealed the individual longtudinal dunes
and the interdunes, and made it possible to estimate
its morphometry and to see that the main direction of
the moving dunes is S-N, which corresponds to the main
wind direction. Although the resolution of the land-
sat images is too small to detect the barghan dunes,
it was noticed that the linear pattern of the long
tudinal dunes takes a rounded shape, with a light
colour in the lee-ward of some individual dunes. The
detailed study of aerial photographs (fig. 3D) re
vealed the existence of the barghans among the long
tudinal dunes
It was also possible to see that the barghans are
moving in a North-South direction with some defla
tion, having a West-East direction.
4.1.3 The plateau
The Western desert, in general, is a north-dipping
plateau of sedimentary rocks. That rocky terrain
appears on the landsat images as dark coloured macro-
photomorphic units (fig. 4A). The interpretation on
micro-photomorphic level subdivided the macro-photo
morphic units into different shades (fig. 4B).
These shades could be
â ■ A. Macro photomorphic units
4 v* " 4 if LUMI II I î I
attributed to the impor
tance of local bedrock
outcrops, and stages of
erosion. Multistage -
interpretation defined
the dark coloured areas
as individual patterns
and as composite patchy
patterns. The patchy
pattern is controlled
by the existence of the
light coloured eolian
deposits. The indivi
dual dark patterns occur
where a single hill or
□ 3 çj^rpmountain exists. It was
Micro phoVo’ri™^? also possible to detect
the very faint main
drainage patterns on the
landsat images. On the
aerial photographs the
small tributaries could
be seen (fig 3D). The
drainage pattern is
dendritic and has a
lighter colour compared
with the surrounding
hills. It was believed
that these drainage pat
terns indicate the flu
vial processes during
the pleistocene, which
S3 ) 85-263/4 ,m-r,Y,h,F/b
IS~5~1 3/4,nt-c,Y,h,P/b
PTC) i2,m.):,)„P/i>
Multistage analysis of a plateau area.