Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 2)

Symposium on Remote Sensing for Resources Development and Environmental Management / Enschede / August 1986 
Remote sensing methods in geological research 
of the Lublin coal basin, SE Poland 
Stanislaw Kibitlewski & Barbara Daniel Danielska 
Photogeological Department, Geological Institute, Warsaw, Poland 
ABSTRACT! Some connections were found comparing the patterns of lineaments obtained from Landsat images and 
side' looking radar /Toros/ ones with faults in Lublin coal basin area /LCB/, SE Poland. It concerns the satel 
lite lineaments pattern and the radar one corresponding to the Upper Palaeozoic- and Meso-Cainozoic faults, 
respectively. The conclusions suggest possibility of projection onto the reoent surface the deep linear struc 
tures through the thick sedimentary cover which consists of soft and loose deposits - in LCB region. 
In the papers on photogeo logy there exist many eviden 
ces of a tectonic character of lineaments observed on 
the different remote sensing images of the structu 
rally controlled areas exposed in a geological sense. 
Many geologists treat sceptically such opinions when 
they concern the regions covered with a thick layer 
of soft and loose sediments especially in relation to 
lineaments in a local or subregional scale. Big linea 
ments - of regional or transcontinental quality - 
seem to be, however, accepted as the traces of featu»- 
res of tectonic origin despite of the nature of their 
host rock. 
The great part of territory of Poland has been cove 
red with soft and loose thiok Cainozoio sediments 
which bury older structures and render these structu 
res recognition difficult using standar methods. That 
is why it seems to be of special significance here to 
apply the photogeologioal data as possible indicators 
of tectonic phenomena /i.e. faults/. 
The paper presents the results of a test done in aim 
to estimate the significance of an appication of the 
satellite Landsat images and airborne side-looking ra 
dar images /of Soviet system Toros/ to examination of 
the geological structure of coal-bearing region near 
Lublin, SE Poland. 
To check out a coincidence between remote sensing da 
ta and the geological ones the test has been done in 
an entirely small area chosen in respect to geological 
recognition. The area tested covered all the characte 
ristic structural units of the Lublin coal basin in 
aim to extrapolate the testing results to the whole 
basin - in case of positive resuts of the test. In 
that very case it would be also possible to introduce 
photogeological data to the construction and gradual 
improvement of the structural model still existing. 
The Lublin coal basin area is oovered by the thick 
Cainozoic sediments and displays either block-faulting 
or block-folding character of the inner structure 
/fteliohowski 1972, Bojkowski and Porzycki I960/. It is 
geologically well recognized at the several depths due 
to a black-coal mines development. 
Lublin coal basin is situated in the south-west margi 
nal part of East—Europeon platform in the region bet 
ween Vistula and Bug rivers /Fig.l/. The terrigenic 
sediments of Upper Proterozoic platform /zonally pre 
served/ lie on the crystalline complex of Lower Prote 
rozoic, top of whioh plunges from about 1000m b.s.l.— 
in NE part, to 7000m-in SW part, Pig.2A/. The following 
overlying strata of Lower Palaeozoic /of total thick 
ness of 950-2500m/ are represented by the terrigenic 
sediments of Lower and Middle Cambrian and/with depo- 
sitional gaps/ those of Ordovician and Silurian. The 
sediments are folded only in the zone of Caledonian 
movements adjacent from 37/ to the platform margin 
/outside the area tested/ - Fig.3. 
Figure i. Scene: E-30087-08451 MSS-5,31 May 1978. In 
vestigated area and image position are marked. 
The platform conditions occur in the whole territo 
ry discussed since Devonian. The Lower Devonian sedi 
ments are terrigenic, while Middle and Upper Devonian 
ones are suooesively those of lacustrine-marine and 
terrigenic, partially carbonate /i.e.dotomitic/ as 
well. The Devonian sediments thickness varies from 
1590 to 6300m. Their top surface occurs recently from 
800m b.s.l. in the NE part of the studied area down 
to 2600m b.s.l. in the SW part of it. 
Due to the Bretonian movements distinct system of 
horst and grabens with NIV-SE and S'MJE orientation 
and high amplitude has been developed. The NiV-SE 
orientation seems to prevail in S’" part of the area 
under investigation while that SW-NE - in NE part. 
Those structures have been intensively eroded prior 
to Carboniferous sedimentation.

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