Figure 2. A - The top surface of crystalline basement
/after Ryka 1983/: 1 - faults, 2 -isohypses /in kilo
metres b.s.l./. B - The top surface of Palaeozoic:
1 -elevated part of platform, 2 -downwarped part, 3 -
main faults, It -isohypses /in km/, 5 -cross-section
line /symbols as Fig.3/.
s.. ¡as 1 ^
Figure 3. Geologioal cross-section /after 2elichowski
1983/. Explanation: K - Kock horst anticline, L - fu-
kdw horst, S - Stoczek-Dorohucza depression, W - WIo-
dawa fault through, D - D^blin-Krasnystaw swell;
Pr -Preoambrian, W+Cm -Wend and Cambrian, Cm-S -old
Palaeozoic /unfolded/, 0+-S -Ordovician and Silurian,
Pzl -old Palaeozoio /folded/, D1 -Lower Devonian, D2 -
Middle Devonian, D3 -Upper Devonian, Cfi -diabases,
Cv+n -Visean and Namurian, Cw -Westphalian, J-Q -Ju
rassic to Quaternary.
After the strong volcanic activity of Tournaisian
/diabases and tuffites/ there ocoured the continuous
sedimentation from Visean to Westphalian which resul
ted in formation of the thiok series of coal-bearing
sediments the thiokness of which reaches 2000m in SW
part of the basin.
The initial shape of the coal basin was formed by
Asturian movements of post-Westphalian age. They cau
sed a development of NW-SE elongated unit called Ma-
zowsze-Lublin graben which represents a moved down
part of the platform /Fig.3/.
The following structural units of the Lublin coal
basin distriot occur in the area tested /Fig.2B/:
- Kock horst anticline, lukdw horst and Wlodawa fault
through /which all belong to the elevated part of the
platform/ and - Stoczek-Dorohucza syncline /with Abra-
m6w-2yrzyn horst/ - a part of D$b1in-Krasnystaw swell.
The numerous faults forming the zone of well develo
ped set of NE-SW direction /transversal faults -Breto-
nian in age/ and less distinct NW-SE set /longitudinal
-Asturian in age/ occur to the north-east of Kook
horst antioline. Such the net of faults implies a re
latively simple block tectonic pattern of Palaeozoic
sediments in that part of the region.
The area to the south-west seems to be tectonically
more complicated. It consists of numerous elongated
anticlines and synclines stretching NW-SE and compli
cated by transwersal and longitudinal faults.
The top surface of carboniferous sediments in Lublin
ooal basin has erosional character and is inclined SW
/Fig.2B/ from about 400m b.s.l. to about 800 m b.s.l.
The thick Mesozoic series of Middle Jurassic to Up
per Cretaceous sediments lies on the Carboniferous
deposits. Jurassic has sandy-clayish and carbonate
character. In Lower Cretaoeous, after erosion due to
Young Cimmerian movements the sedimentation of carbo
nates has begun starting from Albian or Cenomanian
and persisted till Coniacian. The sediments of Upper
Cretaceous display an increasing content of clay ma
terial. The sedimentation of this type prevailed up
to Palaeocene. The general thickness of Mesozoic in
Lublin coal basin district increases from about 200m
in NE to more than 1000m in Mazowsze-Lublin graben.
In the top of Mesozoic there occur numerous disjunc
tive deformations of a discussed origin when it con
cerns their relation to the Palaeozoic deformations.
According to the opinion of some authors a Mesozoic
cover has been dislocated to some extent separately
from the structures of the older basement /after dé
collement/. It is evident, however, /i.a. Henkiel
1983/ that some of the existing dislocations or their
systems show a distinct relation to the tectonic ele
ments of Palaeozoic, as e.g. Mesozoic lineament Kock-
-Lçczna corresponding to the Palaeozoic Kock horst
anticline. The character of Mesozoic faults in both
the side-areas of this horst changes similarly to the
palaeozoic pattern. In the area to NE from the horst
the regular pattern of Meso- and Cainozoic faults cor
responds /to some extent/ to that of Palaeozoic ones.
To SW, however, the total Mesozoic disjunctive pattern
seems to be less distinct and displays an increasing
number of fractures and faults. The directions there
are subordinated to the general stress field orien
tation connected with a strike-slip character of the
faults in the marginal zone of Mazowsze-Lublin graben.
There exist also some tectonic zones in Mesozoic sedi
ments which show no relation to the known structures
of the older basement.
Tertiary in the area of Lublin coal basin is repre
sented by the strongly eroded and dissected sediments
/marls, opocas, gaises, glauconite sands, clays, sands
and siltstones/ of locally varied thickness from 60m
in Mazowsze-Lublin graben to 200m farther to NE.
The Quaternary cover lies either on the Tertiary se
diments or directly on the Cretaceous strata. It is
built of the following sediments: loose and soft gla
cial sediments /sands, tills and loesses/ of Pleisto
cene age and total thickness 0 - 100m, of Holocene
lake deposits /thickness 0 - 60m/, as well as - of ri
ver and eolian deposits.
When discussing the tectonic processes in the Meso-
- and Cainozoio sediments of the area examined the
most oomplete information has been presented by
Henkiel /1983/- Fig.5. He distinguishes several pha
ses of tectonic movements influencing the faults and
fractures development. The oldest disjunctive structu
res /faults and small grabens/ with NE - SW orienta
tion are believed to be of Eocene age while some W-E
and NE-SW faults and grabens with N-S orientation are
defined as post-Sarmatian ones. Finally - some long
- latitudinally oriented fault structures as well as
several sets of differently oriented faults are belie
ved to be due to the last phase of Alpine movements.
Such the remote sensing materials have been used in
the paper; - Landsat images, namely soenes; E-2244-
08442, E-2946-08211, E-2298-08434, E-2892-08240,
E-2928-08221, E-0087-08451, E-21090-08142, E-2155-
08512 and E-0448-08513. They have been visually inter
preted in the form of false colour compositions /FCC/
and photos of different bands of MSS /black and white,
papers/ enlarged to a scale 1;500 000, as well as co
lour compositions obtained by the means of Additive
Color Viewer /Is/; - airborne side-looking radar ima
ges of the Soviet system Toros. They have been used
in a form of diapositive films and interpreted with
a help of Zoom Transfer Scope - Bausch and Lomb.
In aim to compare the interpretation results of both
the method;
tained froi
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6.1 Geolog
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Figure 4.
on surface
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