Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 2)

t Jurassic to Up- 
and carbonate 
r erosion due to 
itation of carbo- 
or Cenomanian 
liments of Upper 
tent of clay ma 
ie prevailed up 
of Mesozoic in 
from about 200m 
•Lublin graben. 
numerous disjune- 
jin when it con 
ic deformations, 
lors a Mesozoic 
Lent separately 
»ment /after de- 
^i.a. Henhiel 
jcations or their 
the tectonic ele- 
i lineament Kock- 
>ic Kock horst 
faults in both 
similarly to the 
from the horst 
lozoic faults cor- 
Palaeozoic ones. 
Lsjunotive pattern 
rs on increasing 
lirections there 
5S field orien- 
iharacter of the 
sze-Lublin graben. 
in Mesozoio sedi- 
cnown structures 
l basin is repre- 
;sected sediments 
mds, clays, sands 
Lckness from 60m 
"ther to NE. 
l the Tertiary se- 
5 strata. It is 
ise and soft gla 
sses/ of Pleisto- 
a, of Holocene 
s well as - of ri 
sses in the Meso- 
l examined the 
-esented by 
ies several pha- 
r the faults and 
sjunctive structu- 
IE - SW orienta- 
> while some W-E 
! orientation are 
lly - some long 
tures as well as 
faults are belie- 
Ipine movements. 
re been used in 
scenes: E-2244- 
)8i42, E-2155- 
sn visually inter- 
jmpositions /PCC/ 
/black and white, 
), as well as co 
rns of Additive 
looking radar ima- 
have been used 
jterpreted with 
îh and Lomb. 
« results of both 
the methods discussed above the lineament patterns ob 
tained from Landsat materials as well as those of air 
borne radar images has been converted to the same son 
ic of 1:200 000 adopting the criterion of repeatibili- 
ty of the elements observed in the different materials 
and by the different authors. 
The comparison of the both patterns resulted in ob 
servation of distinct differences in abundance, conti 
nuity, size and density of satellite and radar linea 
ments. The differences themselves although partly due 
to the different components of the techniques of the 
images applied /aotive and passive systems, distance 
from the sensor to the object eto./ might offer some 
information on different geological features, too. 
The following geological materials have been used to 
analyse the relations between different lineament pat 
terns and geologcal structure of the area discussed: 
map of the surface deposits /Mojski 1968, Malinowski 
and Mojski 1978/ and its generalized form showing 
morphogenetic /physiographic/ regions /Fig,'*/, map of 
sub-Quatemary surface relief, pattern of faults, 
faults zones, disjunctions and dilatations of diffe 
rent kinds and other weakness zones in the Mesozoic 
and Lower Tertiary rocks /Pig.5/, structural maps of 
a top surface of a Palaeozoic series with a fault pat 
terns /Fig.6,7/ and structural map of crystalline ba 
sement /Fig.2A/. 
6.1 Geological interpretation of the radar data 
Prom the spatial and directional points of view the 
Figure 4. Morphogenetic /physiographic/ regions based 
on surface deposits map: 1 -boundaries, 2 - valley 
areas /d/, 3a -morainic plateax, 3b -depression with 
prevailing lake accumulation deposits, 3c -upland co 
vered with loess. 
radar lineaments seem to be rather irregular. One can 
tell from the comparison of their pattern and morpho 
genetic map of the area /Eig.8,4/ that the differences 
in the density of these lineaments /Fig.9/ correspond 
to the morphogenetic units. The maximum density of the 
lineaments might be observed in the southern upland 
covered with loesses, in adjacent depression with a 
prevailing lake accumulation as well. Distinct density 
might be also noticed in the area corresponding to the 
bottom and some slopes parts of the IVieprz river val 
ley. The minimum density of the radar lineament pat 
tern refers to the morainio plateau. Radar lineaments 
observed are generally not long /3km in average, ma 
ximum 6km/ only occasionally forming longer trends. 
Although in general they display a distinot dispersion 
of orientations, some intervals of an increased fre 
quency might be distinguished, namely: WNW to Nff and 
NE to ENE /main azimuths 30°, 110°, 130° - compare 
Fig.10/. The directions of the lineaments discussed 
are mostly dispersed in the area of the morainio pla 
teau while those on the plain with lake accumulation, 
as well as in loess upland seem to be more regular. 
Figure 5. Faults and other disjunctive structures in 
Meso-Cainozoio series /1/, no information /2/; after 
Henkiel 1983. 
Resumming the faots from the comparison above it 
seems that the radar lineaments are more distinct, 
frequent and they display more regular net in the are 
as covered with a relatively homogeneous surface depo 
sits /lake sediments and loesses/ than in those of mo 
rainic plateaux lithologically more complex and cove 
red with different glacial deposits. 
Some spatial relations may be noticed comparing the 
map of the sub-Quatemary surface relief and that of 
morphogenetic units. There exists also coincidence 
between radar lineament pattern and the details of sub- 
-Quatemary surface in individual morphogenetic units. 
In many* places, especially in the loess area, the 
radar lineament patterns seem to be close to Meso- and

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