is distinguished between the pediment and the
mountain front (Foot of the high plateau), wh
ile no break with the coastal plain.
The pediment plain is highly deformed. It
is affected by faulting and folding trends
in the gulf region.
3.3. The basement high plateau
It occupies the area of the Precambrian shei-
ld in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. It posses
ses highly steep elevated land with an eleva
tion reaches the maximum of about 1751m above
the mean sea level. It is built of series of
high mountains of basement rocks. Among these
are, from north to south; Gebel Abu-Khashaba
(+1461 m), G. Gharib (+1751 m), G. Riseis
(+949 m), and G. Ghuweirb (+1359 m).
It represents the topest part where the wa
ter divide is delineated and th upstreams of
all drainage basins are occured. It merges to
east with the pediment plateau but with a bre
ak in slope.
It is highly affected by the regional trends
of faulting and folding in the gulf of Suez
region. The fault planes and fractures which
represent weak planes, especially of NE-SW
direction, have been turned into wide and de
ep, vallies (maximum width reaches .2 Km).
It receives an occassionaly heavy rainfalls
during winter period (Korany, 1980) and shed
ding them either to the coastal plain or to
the Nile Valley.
The results obtained and discussed give rise
to the following conclusion about the hydro
geologic bearing of the landforms in the area
of study :
1. The basement high plateau maintains the
upstream part, while the coastal plain occup
ies the downstream part.
2. The area is built,hydrographically, of
nine drainage sub-basins, where all are issu
ed from the high plateau to the west and she
dding water almostly to the east.
3. The fault planes and fractures along the
high plateau represent the wide and deep val
lies and tributaries. They control also the
trend and dimensions of the drainage patterns
along the pediment and coastal plains.
4. The surface of both the coastal and ped
iment plains is built principley of Middle
Miocene facies and younger surficial deposit-
s of high infiltration capacities.
5. The Rudeis Formation represents the ava
ilable groundwater resource in the area. It
is encountered at shallow depths and has gre- -
at thickness and wider extention beneath the
whole area west of the gulf of Suez.
6. The occassional heavy showers during wi
nter period along the high plateau and slopes
maintain the possible contribution to the gr
oundwater in the Rudeis aquifer.lt causes pe
ak floods through the dissected vallies and
tributaries in the direction of both pediment
and coastal plains. Part of the water infilt
rates downward through the surficial deposits
in the main channels and tributaries to cont
ribute the groundwater in the Rudeis aquifer.
7. The structural deformation of the area
west of the gulf of Suez plays the paramount
role in the development of landforms and the
ir hydrogeologic bearing. Certain units of
landforms and drainage patterns are develope-
d in the area which lead to certain hydrogeo
logic characteristics.
The authors wish to express their gratitudes
to the director of the Egyptian Geologic Sur
vey and Mining Authority for the sincere help
in providing the aerial photos and mosaics.
Thanks are extended to head and staff of
the Geology Department of AinShams University
Cairo,Egypt for the kindly help and providing
laboratory facilities.
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