Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

Photo 6: Representing different classi 
fication results achieved by different 
methods. Date are from Landsat-TM on 
Sept. 30.1985 showing the part of the 
test site at Ergebirge region. 
Part A upper-left: is an false infrared 
color composite TM2, TM3 and TM4 ; 
green/blue area diagonal is severely da 
maged area. 
Part B lower-left: Ratio color composite, 
Ratio are: TM5/TM4, TM4/TM3 and TM2 dis 
played in red, green and blue resp. Dark- 
green and green area represents healthy 
and slightly damaged forest; red and pink 
represents severely damage and dead forst 
area . 
Part C lower-right: Ratio color, compo 
site; Ratio are: TM5/TM4, TM4/TM3 and TM2 
displayed in red, green and blue resp. 
Red area represents severely damage and 
dead forest. 
Fhoto 4: Results of supervised classifi 
cation of Landsat-MSS image from June 
26.1976 of Test site at Erzgebirge Region 
(same area as in photo 3). Bands MSS4, 
MSS 5 and MSS7 used for the classifica 
tion; identification key: green = 
healthy/slightly damage conifer; red = 
severe damage, dead and clear cut coni 
fer',* orange = deciduous; white = agricul 
ture and meadows; Black = strip maining 
and unclassified pixels; blue = water 
sur face. 
Photo 5: Results of supervised classifi 
cation of Landsat-TM image acquired on 
Sep. 30.1985 at Test site at Ergebirge 
region (same area as in photo 3) . Banos 
used for classification TM2, TM3, TM4 and 
TM5. Identification key is as in photo 4. 
Photo 3: Infrared false Color Composite 
TM2, TM3 and TM4 displayed in blue, green 
and red resp. of Landsat-TM image on Sep. 
30.1985, showing a part of the Test site 
at Erzgebirgeregion, dark red represen 
ting healthy/slightly damage forest, 
green/blue diagonal on the photo repre 
sent severe damage, dead and clear cut 
forest area, lower-right are strip 
maining, lignit power plants with plume. 
Part D upper-right: Results of supervised 
classification, red area represents se 
verely and dead forest.

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