Reference image Subject image
Figure 2. "La Grange" flow chart
The program EVEN MORAVEC performs the CCP selection
in the images using the Moravec operator as modified. The
input for the program consists of the image file to extract
CCPs from. The program must be run separately for the
reference and subject images. Output is a text file containing
a list of the candidate point image coordinates (line and pixel)
and their interest values.
The program TIN HORN is a correspondence program and
operates in the "quick and dirty" fashion mentioned above.
An improved correspondence strategy is currently being
investigated which will avoid the foibles of the current
algorithm. TIN HORN may, however, have a place in future
versions of "La Grange," either in a modified version or as a
complementary component of a more sophisticated
correspondence scheme. The input for TIN HORN are the
two CCP lists, one from the reference image and the other
from the subject image, which have been created by EVEN
MORAVEC. The output is a single text file containing the
CCPs in each image which have been matched.
HARDCORR is a program which correlates the CCPs to fine
tune their locations in the subject image. It is derived from an
already existing correlation package whose purpose was to
generate parallax files from stereo images [Ehlers and Welch
1987]. It takes as input the reference and subject images and
the matched CCP list created by TIN HORN. The output is
an ERDAS-readable GCP file containing the correlated
control points. This file can be passed to the ERDAS image
processing module for calculation of the transformation
polynomial coefficients and resampling of the subject image.
In addition to those programs shown in figure 2, there is
also a display program to allow the user to visually inspect
the locations and appearance of the CCPs after the selection,
matching, and fine tuning steps have been performed. This
is a useful tool for testing purposes and to demonstrate
visually the process of CCP refinement to a final set of
control points.
Each of the "La Grange" component programs have been
tested individually. The source code from which EVEN
MORAVEC and HARDCORR were written are known to
have been thoroughly tested in their original form.
Therefore, these programs have been tested mainly for
debugging purposes. Program TIN HORN performs as well
as expected (i.e. marginally) in tests.
Combined testing of the entire "La Grange" package has not
been thoroughly performed as of this report. Some initial
testing has been done, however, using a small (256x240)
subset of a Landsat TM band 5 image of an area near Tiger,
GA. This dataset was used as the reference image and a
slightly skewed (rotated clockwise approximately 8 pixels at
each corner) copy of the it was made for use as a subject
image (keeping in mind the limitations of TIN HORN). "La
Grange" was then used to attempt to restore the skewed
image to its original form. The following shows the results
at each step of the matching process given the default user-
input parameters: