Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

Figure 3 a and b). For the atmospherically 
corrected high spectral resolution FLI data, first 
derivative calculations over the red edge region 
(0.68 to 0.80 microns) can be performed. The 
extended spectral range of the AVIRIS sensor 
allows a study of the NIR region of the 
Some problems were encountered with the 
processing of both AVIRIS and FLI data. If raw 
224 spectral channel AVIRIS data is used, 
overlapping spectral channels from different 
spectrometers must be masked in the software 
using a user input channel masking vector. The 
data is converted to reflectance during the 
calibration stage using ground truth data. Each 
image is calibrated in reflectance units using a 
different calibration file and required a slightly 
different channel masking vector. The current 
approach easily allowed different calibration files 
and masking vectors to be used for each image 
but a more efficient solution would be to store 
these in an image header record lessening the 
chance of a mix-up in calibration files. 
The current emphasis has been on a flexible, 
expandable software environment, which allows 
an analyst to interact with the data set, 
displaying reflectance spectra and defining 
interpretation algorithms. This feature is 
considered important because of the difficulty of 
assessing an optimum approach to dealing with 
hyperspectral imagery. In the future we plan to 
incorporate new interpretation algorithms suited 
to imaging spectrometery data and remote 
sensing applications. 
Freemantle, J. R. and Miller J. R., 1987. Spatial 
Patterns in Atmospheric Aerosols from CZCS 
Images Over the Great Lakes. Proceedings of 
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Sensing, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, 
Ontario, Canada. 
Miller, J. R., Hare, E. W., Hollinger, A. B. and 
Sturgeon, D. R., 1987. Imaging Spectrometry as 
a Tool for Botanical Mapping. SPIE Proceedings 
Vol. 834. "Imaging Spectroscopy II". 
Miller, J. R., Elvidge, C. D., Rock, B. N. and 
Freemantle, J. R., 1990a. An Airborne 
Perspective on Vegetation Phenology from the 
Analysis of AVIRIS Data Sets Over the Jasper 
Ridge Biological Preserve. Proceedings of the 
IGRSS/URSI International Symposium, 
University of Maryland, Washington, D.C., USA. 
Miller, J. R., Hare, E. W., Wu, J., 1990b. 
Quantitative Characterization of the Vegetation 
Rededge Reflectance: An Inverted-Gaussian 
Reflectance Model. Int. J. of Remote Sensing 
(In Press). 
PCI Inc., 1989a. Pace Programmer’s Manual, PCI 
Inc Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada. 
PCI Inc., 1989b. PCIDSK Database Reference 
Manual, PCI Inc Richmond Hill, Ontario, 
Rock, B. N., Miller, J. R., Moss, D. M., 
Freemantle, J. R. and Boyer M. G., 1990. 
Spectral Characterization of Forest Damage 
Occurring on Whiteface Mountain, NY- Studies 
with the Fluorescence Line Imager (FLI) and 
Ground-based Spectrometers. SPIE Proceedings 
Vol. 1298, " Imaging Spectroscopy of the 
Terrestrial Environment".

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