absorption bands and absorption band characteristics
for identification of specific materials and to define
the facts and rules utilized in the expert system. A
tree hierarchy was chosen to minimize analysis time
(Figure 3). The tree was designed to model the
spectral analysis procedures and decision processes
followed by an experienced analyst. Facts and rules
were written for each material or group of materials
in the database based on prior analysis of the spectral
library. The spectral library itself was never accessed
during the analysis of a spectrum. The strongest
absorption feature for a given spectrum was
determined, and the spectrum broadly classified (eg.
clay, carbonate, iron oxide). Primary band
characteristics (eg. doublet, triplet) and
secondary/tertiary absorption bands were used to
progress through the tree structure until an
identification was made. If the decision process failed
at any point because there was insufficient
information to identify a specific material, then the
last classification was used to give the best answer
Figure 3. Tree Hierarchy for analysis of
reflectance spectra
The prototype expert system was tested on selected
mineral spectra using the continuum-removal and
feature extraction algorithms and a basic set of rules
derived from the analysis. The laboratory reflectance
spectra were convolved with random noise to test
the possibilities of success on real field and aircraft
spectra. Because identification was very adversely
affected by low signal-to-noise ratios (similar to those
expected with aircraft data), a binary encoding
algorithm (Mazer et al., 1988) was included to reduce
noise sensitivity. Figure 4 shows a flow diagram of
the analysis procedures. Note that the feature
extraction and binary encoding procedures operate
independently to select material candidates. Features
matching specific rules are given greater weight than
binary matches, however, in noisy data, the binary
encoding has a significant effect on the decision
Figure 5 shows an example of rules for
identification of calcite and dolomite. The decisions
follow the hierarchical tree from broad to specific
classifications. If the process fails at some level, then
Figure 4. Flow diagram showing procedures for
analysis of reflectance spectra using the
expert system (From Kruse et al., 1990a).
the identification at the previous level is returned as
the best possible answer. If the expert system is
unable to identify the material, then the spectrum is
flagged as an unknown material.
1st Decision ( Surface class )
if not broad spectral bands near 1.4 and
1.9 pm (vegetation)
then look for in rock class
2nd Decision ( rock level )
if it has a deep band in 2.30 - 2.35 pm region
then look for in "carbonate" species.
3rd Decision ( "carbonate" species )
if the strongest absorption feature is a single
band near 2.34 pm
then it is calcite
else if the strongest absorption feature is a
single band near 2.32 pm
then it is dolomite.
Figure 5. Example of rules: calcite vs dolomite
(From Kruse et al., 1990a).
Figure 6 shows the results of analysis of the
calcite spectrum shown in Figure 2 using the expert
system. The results of the feature extraction
procedure are shown in Figure 6a. The interaction of
the absorption features and the rules result in the
broad classification shown in Figure 6b. Figure 6c
shows the percentage match of the spectrum with the
binary library. Note the 100% match between the
library calcite and the unknown spectrum. This is
because the calcite spectrum comes from the library.
Figure 6d shows the final result of the decision
process when the binary encoding is used to weight
the feature extraction process. Figures 6e and 6f show
the justification for the identification of calcite versus