Thereby the structural and numerical classification methods can in a combined
manner be applicated in recognition of contour lines. The. structural method
controls the processing procedures and the numerical method makes the decision
which line segment belongs to the class to be expected.
Recognition of figures and points. The figures and points that are used to build
up the height informations of the terrain have individually to be extracted and
classified by numerical pattern recognition.
Wortbuilding. The individually recognized figures and points can construct the
numbers which represent contour values and spot heights. The numbers can be
reconstrue ted by syntactical classification. During this process some errors of
text recognition, e.g. confounding 6 with 9, can be corrected in hand of know
ledge based context method.
Automatic assigning the heights to contour lines. After the recognition of con
tour lines it is evident to which class they belong, but not the exact heights. In
German Basic Map Series 1:5000 only the contour lines at the 10 meters ver-
tival interval (called principal contour lines) have the full value, the other lines
(called between contour lines) show only the last figure of the decimal position.
At first the recognized heights should be assigned to the contour lines. There
after the morphology and the topography of the terrain can be constructed de
pending on the neighbouring principal contour lines and their features by means
of knowledge based analysis. The morphological and topographical features main
ly consist of the following three different terrain models: valley, top and slope
that contain all kinds of terrain forms e.g. knob, bowl, saddle etc. Every bet
ween contour line has to be examined to which terrain model it is belonging and
the height of it must be carried over from the principal contour lines.
Recognition of special symbols. The special symbols can be recognized by the
numerical pattern recognition methods.
Knowledge based controll of recognition procedures. This system is developed
and tested in German Basic Map Series 1: 5000 and 1:20000. The different
kinds of maps have different legends. Therefore the different symbols and the
vertival interval have been used. The parameters and the recognition procedures
are variable on different kind of maps. It is neccesary to build up a knowledge
based system to automatically control the recognition processes of different
kinds of contour line maps.
Dipl. — Ing. Jun Yang
Scientific assistant
Institut of Cartography
University of Hannover
Appelstrasse 9 A
Federal Republic of Germany
Tel. 0511/7623465