Full text: Proceedings International Workshop on Mobile Mapping Technology

numbers, maximum NDVI, minimum NDVI, digital 
elevation data of the ground truth regions. Out of one 
hundred clusters, 46 clusters can be directly assigned to 
one of sixteen land cover classes. The rest of clusters are 
assigned land cover classes using threshold values of 
maximum NDVI, minimum NDVI or digital elevation 
data. The threshold value of 0.15 for maximum NDVI is 
used to discriminate “vegetation” and “non vegetation”. 
The threshold value of 0.23 for minimum NDVI is used 
to discriminate evergreen vegetation and the others. After 
classification by decision tree method, there are some 
unnatural patterns in classified image due to noises in 
AVHRR or the effect of mosaicking to produce 10-days 
composite AVHRR. To eliminate these undesirable 
patterns, land cover classes of these portion were 
substituted by the higher level land cover class in 
hierarchical classification system. 
By the method describing in the previous sections, 
(1) Asia 30-second land cover data set and 
(2) Asia 30-second ground truth data 
were produced by the cooperation of the Land Cover 
Working Group of the Asian Association on Remote 
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