Full text: Proceedings International Workshop on Mobile Mapping Technology

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1. Land Cover Map of West Asia (using AVHRR data 
from April, 1992 to March, 1993) 
produced by Hussein Harahsheh and Ryutaro Tateishi 
using 1-km AVHRR NDVI dataset, 1997 
2. Land Use Association in Bangladesh 
produced by the Resource Planning Unit, Agriculture and 
Rural Development Department, World Bank, Washington 
D.C., 1979. 
Scale : 1: 500,000 
3. Land Use Map of Tibet Area, China 
produced by Land Cover Management Department of 
Scale: 1:2,000,000 
4. Vegetation Map in LiaoNing Province, China 
produced by LiaoNing University in July, 1984 
Scale: 1:500,00 
5. Forest Distribution Map of Heirongjiang Province, 
Scale : 1: 2,000,000 
6. Forest Distribution Map of Liaoning province, China 
Scale: 1:1,800,000 
7. Forest Distribution Map of Niemonggu Area, China 
Scale : 1:4,000,000

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