• the interior orientation and distortion parameters for each
• the relative orientation between the cameras, and
• the EO of the dual-camera unit with respect to the
GPS/inertial sensors which define aircraft position and
It is well known that in order to recover camera interior and
exterior orientation via self-calibration, in a situation where the
object point field is not well distributed in three dimensions, two
fundamental requirements must be met. The first is provision of a
convergent imaging configuration, whereas the second involves
inclusion of orthogonal camera roll angles in the photogram-
metric network design. With the airborne RCAMS, convergent
imaging geometry can be attained quite simply by flying over a
target array from different directions since the Pulnix CCD
cameras are both mildly convergent with respect to one another
and have a downward pointing angle of 35° from the horizontal.
At the low-level operating flying height of 50m the ground
coverage of each image was approximately 40m x 35m. A
practical self-calibration scenario could therefore be formulated
using a calibration range of only about 50m x 50m on the ground.
By flying over this range from the four cardinal directions, as
well as from the NW, NE, SE and SW, the convergent imaging
geometry illustrated in Figure 3 could be realized. Given that the
cameras are mounted on the wings, the prospect of providing a
diversity of camera roll angles presented some practical
difficulties. These were overcome by first mounting the cameras
upside down and recording a set of images, after which the
cameras were re-mounted in their correct, upright orientation.
The final calibrated EO related to the second camera
Although the provision of a 180° kappa-angle diversity did
facilitate an adequate recovery of camera interior orientation
parameters, the absence of a 90° roll angle hindered the recovery
of any differential scaling (affinity) introduced into the imagery
by the video image acquisition system. Nevertheless, initial
analysis of the calibration data suggested that a sufficiently robust
recovery of camera system parameters and EO could be achieved
with the adopted imaging arrangement.
A considerable number of individual synchronized image pairs
were available for the multi-sensor self-calibration of the airborne
RCAMS stereo imaging system as a consequence of the recording
of video sequences. The final photogrammetric network adopted
comprised 12 image pairs, eight as indicated in Figure 3 (about
half of which had a 180° roll angle), and four from the cardinal
directions at the higher flying height of 70m. Thus, the final self
calibrating bundle adjustment comprised two cameras and 24
3.2 Control Point Array
The object array itself comprised a grid of 15 x 15 targets at
approximately 3.5m spacing. Under normal circumstances
governing camera self-calibration with strong network geometry,
ground control information would not be required if the aim were
restricted to dual-camera self-calibration and relative orientation.
In this instance, however, it was imperative that camera EO be
determined in the same coordinate reference system as the
GPS/inertial system used to position the aircraft. All ground
points were surveyed with a total station to about 30mm relative
precision and to about 0.1m absolute accuracy via GPS surveys of
a number of the points.
3.3 Image Recording and Mensuration
Under the normal operating scenario for airborne RCAMS, time
tags corresponding to an aircraft interval of 20m, or about every
15 th frame, are written to the video tape. In subsequent extraction
of the desired image pairs from the SVHS video tape, these
tagged images are converted to digital form, compressed via
JPEG with a compression ratio of approximately 17:1 (i.e. to a
file size of around 20 kb) and written to CD-ROM as geo-
referenced images.
Within the self-calibration, account had to be taken of the
possible perturbations to the original video images arising from
this analog-to-digital conversion, which also involved an
effective resampling of the imagery to a resolution 736H x 560V.
To allow for any differential scaling within the analog-to-digital
conversion, an affinity term was carried in the self-calibration
model (Eq. 1). Also, the principal distance derived within the
bundle adsjustment would compensate for any common scale
error in assumed pixel array dimensions arising from the image
conversion process.
An important component of the airborne RCAMS is the DVS (for
Digital Video System) which allows an operator to access an
image pair from CD-ROM by time, geographic location, or
powerline attributes (e.g. pole number). Once the stereo images
are displayed side by side on the PC monitor, the spatial position
of any point of interest in the scene, be it a power pole or
vegetation, can be determined through simple intersection once
the interior and exterior orientation of the cameras is known.
Figure 4 illustrates the display presented to the operator of the
DVS. A zooming facility is incorporated for more precise
pointing to image points, as was warranted in the measurement of
the target points of the calibration range.
Although the camera calibration range comprised 225 targets, the
number measured in each of the 24 images averaged 90, with the
range being from 40 to 170. Only targets that could be reliably
observed to a precision of 1 pixel or better were recorded. As an
immediate check on the validity of the image measurement
process, spatial resections were carried out using all available
control points and the nominal calibration data for the two Pulnix
CCD cameras. In spite of possible adverse influences on camera
calibration parameters, such as the fact that each camera was
housed behind a glass viewing port, all resections yielded RMS
image coordinate residuals of between 5.8 pm and 8.6 pm, or just
under 1 pixel. This was an encouraging sign for it offered early
verification that the data was free of gross errors and that the
desired relative positioning accuracy of the stereo video system of
0.15m, corresponding to 1 pixel precision, could be attained.