Figure 3: HSL color space
Figure 4: Fuzzy membership functions for the color
red: (a) huer(b) saturationFand (c) intensity
U re dl
1 + exp(—redsa ■ (x — redsc))
1 4. ((. x ~ redl c) 2 \redlb
' redla 2 >
4.2 Color fuzzification
The HSL color space used hereHs depicted in Figure
3. The expressions (1) are used to convert a RGB
image to a HSL image.
H' = cos -1 2 r-g-b
_ max(R,G,B) + min(R,G,B)
3 * min(R,G,B) (1)
(R + G + B)
2tt -H\ if B > G
To define a certain color in a color spacer one
may use experimental thresholds. For exampleTthe
(SOW*) color space [3] shows that Stop signs are con
tained in the subregion spanned by S > 15r3° < 0 <
56°YW* < 84. In [5]Ta look-up table is trained off
line. Then a color pixel (rTgrb) is labeled with a color
(redT blueT yellowTwhiter blackTetc. 1} by consulting
the look-up table.
To model color perceptionTwe use a fuzzy concept
to define each color. For examplera degree of rednessT
that isrthe property for a pixel to have the color “red”
can be define as follows:
T — Uredhijl) ' Ureds^s) • Uredli,0 (2)
(h — redhc
Uredh = exp 2 rcdha*
Here UredhTUredsTand U re di are membership functions
containing parameters redhaT redhcT redsaT redscY
redlaYredlbY and redlc. Their profiles are plotted in
Figure 4.
Fuzzy characterizations of the colors yellowForanger
greenTbluerblackrand white can be similarly defined.
For blackr gray and whiter the RGB components
are essentially all equal: R ~ G ~ B. In this caseT
there is a hue singularity due to the denominator of
the hue expression in equation (1) being close to zero.
Thus color fuzzification near white or black should be
carefully considered. For exampleTwhiteness may be
given by
whiteness = 17gray(R, G, B) ■ U wh itei(l)
Ugray{R,G,B) = exp {-^\\m^(R,G,B)-min(R,G,B)\\)
Here a is an adjustable factor. When R ~ G ~ BY
UgrayiR, G, B) ~ 1 means that the pixel (RFGFB) will
be a monochromatic pixel (black-gray-white). Figures
5-7 shows two images and their related colorness im
4.3 Thresholding a colorness image
Once a colorness image is obtainedrclassical thresh
olding technologies can be applied to segment the col
orness image. Because traffic signs are smalirthresh-
olding methods which treat local windows are recom
mended. In [10]r an optimal thresholding algorithm