(a) (b)
Figure 5: (a) Original imager(b) through a red filter
ongmal mage yalownest
(a) (b)
Figure 6: (a) Original imager (b) through a yellow
(a) (b)
Figure 7: (a) Original imager(b) through a red filter
based on structural information is used to segment
the color image. A Bayesian method is introduced in
the following:
Markov Random Field (MRF) technologies are fre
quently used in image segmentationrtexture classifica
tion and image restoration since they provide a general
and elegant method for vision problem [7].
The segmentation field is modeled as a Markov
Random Fieldra discrete random field Z(x). The field
Z assumes discrete values from the label set T = [Oil].
Let z be a realization of Z with z(x) = 1 meaning the
site x belongs to region lTand z(x) = 0 meaning that
site belongs to region 0. Because the colorness image
is similar to a gray level imageTthe label set T can be
assumed as a binary set [011].
The redness computed by equation (1) can be mod
eled as the true red plus a zero-meanT white Gaus
sian noise. The colorness segmentation problem can
be stated as finding the labeling filed z to maximize
the posterior probability distribution function P(z\r).
P{z\r) = P(r\z)P(z)/P(r)
Here P{r) = 1. P(z) is the a priori probability distri
bution function (a Gibbs distribution) defined by
1 U(z)
P(z) = -ex p—1-,
where the partition function
Q = ^exp-^
serves as a normalized constant. In itTT is a constant
called the temperature which controls the sharpness
of the distributionTand
U(z) = J2 v c(z)
is a sum of clique potentials V c (z) over all possible
cliques C that are defined on a neighborhood systemr
e.g. a 4-neighborhood system or an 8-neighborhood
system. For examplerin a 4-neighborhood systemT
U{z) = Vi((*(*)>*))+ v *( z ( x )> x )
x6C i x€C 2
= a (*(*).*) + S II - z{Xj) || 2
xec 1 x€C 2
Here cq z ( x ) >x ) is a function of z(x) and the site xTCi is
a set of single-pixel cliquesrand C2 is a set of pair-pixel