Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
polygon will help form the corresponding relationship between 
components and form simple volume automatically. 
3.3 Conceptual model of OO-Solid Model 
Conceptual model is abstract concept sets of relations among 
entities; it is the semantic interpretation of geographical data 
and is the most senior abstract. It easily converts into a logical 
model and is independent of the specific computer achieved. 
Component includes six primitives: node, arc, polygon, region, 
component-face, and component, which constitute the basic 
elements of data model. In geological mining areas, nodes can 
describe the point geological target, such as ore sampling point, 
gas gathering point etc. Arcs can describe line objects such as 
borehole line track, folding hub, broken coal intersecting lines 
etc. Regions can describe surface objects, such as the formation 
level, fault plane etc. The simple volume can be composed by 
components with some of same attribute, and the complexity is 
composed volume by the simple volume, furthermore, the 
composites volume is converged by the simple volume and the 
complex volume. Space objects are designed into different 
object classes, and the superior class is generalized such as 
geological object class. On the basis of above model, the 
conceptual model of geological object of OO-Solid model is 
redesigned (figure 2). 
Figure 2 Conceptual model of OO-Solid Model for Geo-Objects 
3.4 Logical model design of OO-Solid Model 
Conceptual model clearly described the level of relations 
between the objects and its constituent relations. In order to 
facilitate the management of object data model and further meet 
spatial analysis, visualization, the corresponding logical model 
is designed. Logic model is a mathematical description of the 
concept of model. Logical data model is the concept of data 
model, data entity (or records) and the relationship between 
each other; it is the logical expression of geographic data, and 
the middle layer. The user can see the geographical space of real 
world. According to the concept model, the layer between the 
geological targets and geometric elements can be pushed: Any 
geological objects can be polymerized by the components. The 
components are polymerized by the component-face. The 
component-face joint from the polygon, Polygon is composed 
of a number of arcs. Arc is composed of many nodes. Any point 
in a three-dimensional space corresponds to a unique 3D spatial 
coordinates(x, y, z), which is located the point of spatial 
location. Because the primitives and conceptual model of 
OO-Solid model are modified through redesign, and logical 
model must be redesigned. According to the modified primitives 
and conceptual model, the logical model is redefined (Figure 3). 
Figure 3 Logical model of OO-Solid Model

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