Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

levrait étre choisi 
son identification 
tous les gouverne- 
uel de PU.N.O. et 
séries photogram- 
es de toutes les 
i rendue prompte 
mesures originales 
"études supérieurs 
n de satisfaire à la 
juestion technique 
ter par lui-même; 
on pour l’histoire 
. l'Unesco. M, Fa- 
nt tout le congrès, 
s non topographi- 
à rassembler une 
[ une proposition 
endre la question. 
| par les représen- 
ons, on décida de 
ntée par le Prési- 
s après avoir lu la 
la question serait 
togrammétrie par 
par la Société In- 
résentants Améri- 
question sa propre 
When the Austrian Society of Photogrammetry at the VI. International 
Congress of Photogrammetry in the Hague in 1948 was appointed to lead the 
Commission VI, the following resolutions had been adopted then: 
1) The international journal “Photogrammetria” shall be published again. 
Thanks to the very busy efforts of the former president, Prof. Schermerhorn, 
the *Photogrammetria" now appears again since 1949 and became indeed an 
organ connecting the photogrammetrists of all nations. 
2) Each national society should draw up a bibliography of photogrammet- 
ric papers and books published in their countries and shall transmit this list to 
“Photogrammetria” and also to each of the other national societies. The classifi- 
cation of these bibliographies should be accomplished later on by an appropriate 
committee, designated by the Congress. 
3) Fach national society shall endeavour that in every school in her 
country where geodesy, topography and so on are taught at least an introduc- 
tory course in photogrammetry will be established. 
4) The various national societies may compile a set of definitions of pho- 
togrammetric terms currently in use within each country; terms already inter- 
nationally used should be specially taken into account. A copy of this list should 
be forwarded to each of the other national photogrammetric societies and also 
to “photogrammetria”. A committee be designated by the next Congress should 
elaborate these lists and prepare proposals for an international set of photo- 
grammetric terms and symbols. 
5) Each national society should prepare a history of the development of 
the photogrammetry in her country and also a history of her own society and 
send to “Photogrammetria”. Later on a committee be designated by the Con- 
gress shall draw up a comprehensive international history which may readily 
be kept up-to-date. ‘| 
On account of these resolutions and according to the scope of the Com- 
mission's duties including: education, terminology, bibliography, standardiza- 
tion, history and the Polyglot Dictionary, we have forwarded questionnaires 
to the following reporters nominated to us: 
Reporters of Commission VI. 
Belgium: P. L. Baetsle, Major du Génie, Lic. Sc. Prof. à l'Ecole Royale 
Militaire — Bruxelles, 38, Avenue Nouvelle. 
England: Dr. E. A. Miskin, University College, London, Gowerstreet 
NC. 1. 
Finland: Obering. Aarne Rainesalo, Helsinki, Kirkkokatu 3 V, ovi 125. 
France: M. Brandicourt, Chef de travaux au Conservatoire national des 
Arts et Métiers, 292, rue Saint-Martin, Paris (2?). 
Germany: . Prof. Dr. Ing. O. Lacmann, Techn. Universitit Berlin, Inst. fiir 
Photogrammetrie, Charlottenburg, Hardenbergstr. 35, 
Priv. Doz. Dr. Ing. R. Burkhardt, Techn. Universität, Berlin- 
Charlottenburg, Hardenbergstr. 35. 

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