Full text: Proceedings of the Congress (Part 1)

President: Col. G. S. Andrews, Canada 
Secretary: Mr. T. J. Blachut, Canada 
Session of July 18, 1956, at 14.00 
The president of the Commission opened the session with the following speech: 
In opening the session for Commission IV, on »Mapping from Photographs», 
in the first place, I should like to express thanks to our Swedish hosts of the 
VIII Congress, viz. the Swedish Society of Photogrammetry, the Government 
of Sweden, and many Swedish individuals. We offer grateful tribute especially 
to the enormous work of Dr. Fagerholm, Secretary General, and his charming 
wife, who have greatly facilitated the numerous and complicated arrangements 
for our program. 
The organization of Commission IV has been as follows: 
IV—1 »Application to Cadastral Surveys», Chairman Dr H. Harry, Switzer 
IV—2 »Mapping of Urban Areas», Chairman Dr B. Dubuisson, France. 
IV—3 »Small Scale Mapping», Chairmen: 
a) For Europe: Prof. W. Bachmann, Switzerland 
b) For Other Countries: Mr. T. J. Blachut, Canada. 
At the VII Congress in Washington, 1952, Canada was highly honoured to 
receive the assignment of Commission IV. At that same time, it was decided 
that controlled mapping tests should be carried out, viz. »Essais contrôlées». 
To organize the work an interim meeting of Commission IV was held in Rome, 
September, 1954, under the kind hospitality of the Italian Society of Photo 
grammetry. In executing the program of Essais contrôlés we are grateful for 
the generous cooperation of the IGN of France for providing a controlled test 
area and all the photographic flights and materials for small scale mapping, and 
also to the Swiss authorities for similar facilities for the cadastral mapping tests. 
The whole Board of Commission IV feel that gratifying results have been 
achieved demonstrating that the difficulties of language and global distances 
have been overcome truly in the international spirit, as we shall learn from 
the various reports to be presented at this Congress. 
For consideration of the future work of Commission IV, a discussion will be 
held, at which the importance of continuity in the work without interruption, 
and the value of interim meetings will be emphasized. All interested in the work 
of Commission IV, and especially the reporters are requested to attend this 
In concluding my opening remarks, I wish to thank the subcommission chair 
men, Dr. Hiirrv, Dr. Dubuisson, Prof. Bachmann, Mr. Blachut, those who have 
worked with them, and the national reporters for their effective and harmonious 
work. I express also special appreciation of the work by Mr. Blachut, Com 
mission Secretary, who has carried the main burden of the commission during 
the four years since 1952.

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