Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4a)

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Appendix to the INT. ARCHIVES OF 
Differences between Visual and Photographic 
Calibrations of Air Survey Cameras™ 
National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada 
SUMMARY : Significant differences have been found between the calibration 
of air survey cameras by visual means and their calibration by a photo- 
graphic procedure simulating conditions of use. The differences are 
chiefly of chromatic origin. 
uE logic of calibrating photogram- 
metric cameras by a photographic pro- 
cedure was accepted by the Seventh Inter- 
national Congress of Photogrammetry in 
1952. However, visual methods have con- 
tinued in some use for reasons of tradition 
and of convenience of equipment. The 
Congress agreed that ‘‘a visual method will 
be permissible if it... gives the same 
values as the . . . photographic method to 
within the required accuracy.” Until the 
present, both formal and fortuitous com- 
parisons of the two methods have shown 
no discrepancies which significantly ex- 
ceeded the uncertainties of measurement 
including those arising from definition 
limitations in the cameras tested. 
During 1955, tests of Wild RCS5A 
cameras on the National Research Council 
of Canada’s new photographic calibrator 
were found to be showing consistent differ- 
ences from the visual calibration data 
furnished by the manufacturer. Both the 
calibrated focal length and the shape of 
the radial distortion curve showed small 
but persistent discrepancies. For cali- 
brated focal lengths, photographic values 
usually exceeded manufacturer's figures 
by .01 or .02 mm. Extreme values from the 
average radial measured distortion curves 
obtained photographically ranged from 10 
to 17 microns, averaging 5 or 6 microns 
higher than the manufacturer's published 
data. The recognition of such small dis- 
crepancies was undoubtedly facilitated 
by the excellent definition of the Aviogon 
A number of special measurements were 
made on two RCSA cameras to explore 
the effects of the spectral differences in- 
volved in the two calibration methods. 
These spectral differences are illustrated 
in Figure 1. Curve 4 shows the product 
5E., that is the visibility function multi- 
plied, wave-length by wave-length, by the 
spectral energy curve for CIE illuminant 
"C" which is a standardized approxima- 
tion to daylight. This is reasonably repre- 
sentative of the source-receiver combina- 
tions used in visual calibrations. Curve B 
shows the product of photographic mean 
noon sunlight—that is the standard il- 
luminant for photography—the sensitivity 
of Aero Super XX emulsion, and the trans- 
mission of a Wratten 13 filter. This is a 
photographic approximation to the visual 
condition of calibration. Curve C shows 
the combination used in photographic 
calibration. It is the product of mean 
noon sunlight, the sensitivity of Aero 
Super XX emulsion, and the transmission 
of a Wratten minus blue filter. 
Results of the special measurements on 
the two cameras were essentially identical 
hence only one camera will be discussed 
here. Chromatic difference of distortion— 
also called chromatic difference of magni- 
fication or transverse colour—was meas- 
ured at a number of field angles. The slit of 
a large collimator was illuminated by 
various wave-lengths of monochromatic 
light from filtered gas discharge lamps and 
the corresponding image positions in the 
focal plane of the RC5A Aviogon lens 
were measured with a microscope. Results 
plotted in Figure 2 immediately confirm 
that calibration results will be likely to 
vary with changes in spectral character- 
istics of the calibrating system. 
To obtain further information on the 
* Contribution from the Division of Applied Physics, National Research Council, Ottawa, 
| X 

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