Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4a)

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On the Accuracy of Aerial Photogrammetry 
First of all the problem of distinction between systematic ang 
accidental errors of the fundamental photogrammetric operations 
was treated in this paper. The determination of the systematic 
deformations of the pencils of rays in the moment of exposure and 
in the plotting instrument was treated since the reconstruction of 
the pencils of rays is of fundamental importance for most of the 
photogrammetric procedures. 
Then the problem of the adjustment of the relative orientation 
was treated under different conditions. In particular, it was de- 
monstrated how numerical corrections of different functions of the 
elements of the relative orientation can be determined from measured 
residual y-parallaxes, which have been corrected with respect to 
the systematic deformations of the pencils of rays. The error pro- 
pagation can then be investigated with the aid of well-known pro- 
cedures. The standard error of the y-parallax measurements is of 
the greatest importance for this purpose. Methods for the deter- 
mination of this standard error were particularly treated. 
With the aid of the introduced principle of compensation the 
error propagation through the absolute orientation was then studied. 
The accuracy of the final coordinates and elevations and also of 
other functions of the procedure such as the elements of the ex- 
ternal orientation was treated under different conditions and was 
demonstrated in formulas. 
Considerable improvement of the photogrammetric accuracy can 
doubtless be obtained with the aid of the methods used. Reliable 
determination of the obtainable accuracy can also be performed. 
For the determination of the most probable results of the photo- 
grammetric procedure and for the determination of the obtained 
accuracy the derived procedures might be of special interest. 
The theory of errors of various kinds of aerial triangulation can 
be treated with similar methods. The results of performed investiga- 
tions will be published in a near future. 

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