Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4a)

We find the following expression: 
(x — b)"* 2 , ( 2C0s?$ , 3A? sin? ba 
Qardr = — + 7 {h cos $ + (x — b) sin da}? ( TTT ) 
le z-bute 3, 3 a cos? 2 2 sin? de) 
— j -— —— + — i (x — b) cos à» — h sin 91?4 — — + —__ 
| ET dt a mant 3 § 
_ A Ke. 67) m 
b b bY baz 
HS + (x — b) sin 4s] ((x — b) cos de — 1i sin 4] s" ET 
— Tf x — Sin $» XN COS $» — /s —T——-)$ M 
p 1 COS $» X sin | à (x 1n $» Sii 352 Sin 2$». (23) 
The standard error of the elevations due 
to the errors of the relative orientation 
only is then found as 
my = u^/ Qahah (24) 
where y is the standard error of the y- 
parallax measurements. Assuming u=1, 
and the following data, which are typical 
for the application of convergent photog- 
raphy (see [6]): 
$e = — 20° 
b= 1.234 
d = 0.64h 
expression (24) has been plotted for vary- 
ing x and y within the neat model area. The 
result is shown in Figure 3. The corre- 
sponding diagram for vertical, wide-angle 
pictures is shown in Figure 4. Both these 
figures are for dependent pairs. Under such 
circumstances the model from convergent 
photographs obviously has much smaller 
vertical deformations than the model from 
vertical pictures. This is of great impor- 
tance for the elevation measurements after 
the absolute orientation and consequently 
also for aerial triangulation. The elevation 
standard errors, obtained in this way, refer 
to the vertical distance between the air 
base and the model surface. Each model 
elevation is a function of the adjusted ele- 
ments of orientation. Consequently the 
standard error of elevation differences in 
the model are obtained as the standard er- 
ror in a function of functions. This prob- cally determined elevations in the ground 
lem introduces no particular difficulty and system after the absolute orientation has 
the standard error may be found directly been completed, the number and position 
rom the normal equations or by applying of the ground control points must be 
the general law of propagation of errors known. 
(see [5] $32, p. 101). In order to determine It is apparent that Figures 3 and 4 can- 
the standard errors of the photogrammetri- not be compared directly unless the stand- 
FrG. 4. Standard errors of the distance from 
air base to model surface for near vertical wide 
angle pictures. The standard error of the 5- 
parallax measurements is assumed to be 1. 
*)' Weight numbers 
* A closer investigation of this equation shows that the trigonometric functions disappear— 

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