h being the Cony,
is in the diretti
iust be transforme
refer to the vali
we get
. 28 — y x
gree x cosy—OySiny = 5%.” — dy 5
4 4
: 28 — y 5 (4)
óys — óy cos y t- óx sin y = Jy - i ôx >
4 4
he gimbal axis in the projection centre the primary axis is parallel to x; for the
ee the projection centre the primary axis is parallel to y. The total amount
go ES RH errors will thus be obtained by applying equations (4), (3), (1) and (1a)
ue with (2) respectively:
23 —y
[zn 8, t ———— x
i n 1, 4 L
— 1, XY x Y
is nd IN = e;? —n—. ; oA. S e
dra 1, h 1, Zi, 1, L i,
Y : ? £r | z |
+(n+ 1) "ces t (n-i) ex t (n1) es“
Z2 oc 1, 1,
tZ. ep
_ne, — nes? — (n+1) e,* — e,b
ne, 9 >
o X
f=+n L e rn 1, e
— XY 23 — Y 29 — x
m2 2 tenen TV nt Tarrant len
l; l, ls L 3 1, 7 j
rtu, e,*
pe ett —e)--.— ep
|" vi" i ?
re, -— n ei? — (n+ 1) e e,
An attempt was made to determine the 11 unknows in these equations (5) by making
iret measurements using calibrated grid plates and different ratios of n ih This
meriment failed as other sources of errors of similar magnitude were found.
The factory advises the user to adjust for x- and y-inclinations over the main x- and
Fine (both passing through the principal point). As far as x-inclination is concerned, e,
a be eliminated by that procedure. When comparing fig. 7 with fig. 12 it is obvious that
werror in intersection of the primary and secondary rotation axis over the main x- and
Hie can be compensated with e,. Consequently, it must be advised to measure at least
points after any e,-correction in order to see if the correction made was really due to e,.
In general, the residual projection errors will result from many sources. If one gim-
hl axis is erroneous the graphs 7-9, perhaps in superposition with the graphs 12 and 13,
My help the analysis. In particular, the diagnosis will be, if a 9-, or much better, a 25-
int measurement shows:
)fg7,8or9 — errors
fig. 7, 8 or 9, all rota
in the gimbal axis in the projection centre;
ted for 1007 — errors in the gimbal axis below the projection