Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4a)

- day) 
2 hdu, 
ye orien- 
[^ and 
two ele- 
dby, = = eo, - dy, + bday (5) 
dn, =- (da, - da, ) (6) 
The errors,which are made at the centering operation 
of the images, will cause the following errors in the model 
dh z - Belen, - Sg) - Pda, - day) (7) 
: xh x 
dx = = = ax, - yda + Be (4x0, - ol? + pL (day - da, ) (8) 
h 3 h 
dy = - Ze (Mo + No) + 5(xda, + (x-b)da,) + bo (ix, - ON * 
+ (da, - dan) (9) 
We presume that the ÿ-parallaxes, caused by the centering 
errors,are eliminated at the relative orientation. After 
the relative orientation, the model errors due to centering 
errors are thus reduced to (compare [1)). 
dh = - pc (dX, - dx, ) (10) 
1 2 
h xh 
dx = - 7 XS - yda, + bo (dx, - dx, ) (11) 
1 l 2 
dy = = h ay. "+. Xdd. + hoax - dx i (12) 
C 01 1 be 01 07 
As is immediately clear from the equations (10) - (12) 
above, the errors in the model coordinates, owing to errors 
in the centering of the images in the projectors, may be 
eliminated by three translations and two rotations of the 
projectors, When plotting single pairs of pictures the model 
xcu s MB 
eis OE aii N—— 

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