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Figure L,
This means that the reading of the horizontal parallaxes can be done
very quickly when the orientation of the stereoscope to the pictures is
2. À plate 30 cm of length and 5 cm of width is wide enough to hold
the point systems required for all types of stereoscopes.
The plate which is manufactured contains three pairs of point SyS-
tems, making it usable for:
1. Pocket stereoscopes.
2. Stereoscopes with an approximate stereoscope base of 25 cm. (For
instance Zeiss Stereotop, the De Oude Delft stereoscope.)
3. Stereoscopes with an approximate stereoscope base of 21 cm. (For
instance Zeiss Stereotop.)
By means of the accessories shown in Figure 2 the plate can be atta-
ched to most types of mirror stereoscopes (Wild, Zeiss, Nife). The
accessories allow the plate to be adjusted to a detail in the photographs,
no matter what position the detail may have within the field of view. In
other words: it is possible first to orientate the stereoscope to the pic-
tures and then adjust the plate to the terrain detail. It is advantageous
but of course not necessary to use the accessories.
The shape of the plate makes it specially adapted to the type of pocket
stereoscope (Zeiss) shown in Figure 3. Most other pocket stereoscopes
will fit the plate without special arrangements.
The dots are circle-shaped and very small (diameter 0.3 mm). This