Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4a)

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The first and last group of conditions 1s omitted by Bachmann and 
therefore the adjustment is not in accordance with the method of least 
squat The only way to get a strictly correct result by that method ; ls 
to fullfill the orientations so far that no residual parallaxes remain. This 
is certainly impossible in a practical application. In the parallax tri- 
angulation all three above-mentioned groups of conditions are conside- 
After the publicat ıtıon of my paper a new treatise on aerotriangula- 
ton has been given by Roelofs [6]. Also his method only deals with 
the second group of conditions. — Hallert has finally given a contri- 
bution to this problem. He gives no complete deduction but refers to 
the solutions of Bachmann and Roelofs, wich he recommends to be 
combined with an additional parallax adjustment. However, also in this 
way the third group of conditions will be overseen. If the rank anomaly 
is eliminated, this suggestion will coincide with the parallax triangula- 
tion. (Hallert: [5 |.) In the paper of 1951 the parallax tri: ingulation 
was fullfilled for one parallax condition of every oriented model. Fur- 
thermore formulas were given for the adjustment of the orientation 
with four conditions in every oriented model. However, the complete 
adjustment was not fullfilled in this case. In the following there will 
be a complete description of this "parallax triangulation method” 
with further application. Ready tables for simple application with one 
or four parallax conditions in every oriented model will be given. The 
tables may be used up to about 200 parallax conditions. 
[nstrument: Wild A 5 
General assumptions: 
The triangulation is supposed to begin and end with complete con- 
nection to terrestrial points. The orientation of the chain is so perfor- 
med, that a line through the first and last nadirpoints approximately 
will coincide with the x-axis of the autograph. The first model is orien- 
ted on the terrestrial points given in this model. The following models 
are then oriented. [Furthermore the parallaxes are recorded in every 
oriented model. Theoretically the adjustment of every single model can 
be performed directly after recording the parallaxes. Thereafter the 
computed improvements of the elements of the orientation should be 
added; numerically or by the instrument. 

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