Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4a)

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of the directions emerging from V, and passing through the two passage points Py, 
and P,,,,4 to be determined. The system is solved by iteration; quite quickly if an ee 
tronic computer is used. 
4th. Computation of the co-ordinates 
X Y Zp ire and XpGrne Ypat+ne Zeasnd : 
of the two new passage points P,,,,, and P(,,,,, by direct intersection from the i 
points V; and V,,,; and computation of the director cosines 
P(i+1)s? P(i+1)s? 
Q (i.-2)8» Y (i..2)s» 8 (i4+2)s 
Aii+2)a l(i+2)d S(i+2)d 
; ints Y,,,2 
of the rays V;,, P(,,5,, and V;,, P(,3,, emerging from the control points Va 
I : ranh (7: 
passing through the passage points P 9), @Nd P(1 4 954 at the following photograph 
Y : em «novi 
The equation system considered in the 3rd step above is the following; In it etr 
quantities are identified by a superimposed point. 
Le. + u? 
= 2 
F u?ia 
v2. —1 i 
d- v3 —1 
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ag Y, 1 
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