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It can be seen that the procedure is almost identical with the pr
: : : : OCedure of ,
triangulation based on use of statoscope data, with the difference that hy DET
consecutive models not the elevation carry-over points but profile points a» T
€ Used,
Adjustment of z, x and y.
Adjustment of the results must be started with the adjustment of
recorded z-values of the points must first be corrected by the discrep
on the elevation carry-over points. Because the elevations of profile
for the scaling, identical points in two consecutive models will have di
It is obvious that the elevations from the previous mode
2 eoordinats p,
ancies in deri
Points Wen W
fferent deni
; L have to be kept 4 {he
elevations and therefore the z-readings in every model have to be corrected rm
It is better in this regard if the corrections are based on z-reading diserepandeg go
elevation carry-over points chosen close to the principal point of last photograph in SN
pair. Then, the differences between the corrected ''bridged" elevations of ler] n
points and their previously ms
tabulated ‘‘profile” elevations
are obtained. If these differen-
ces are plotted against x-
coordinates of the points, a sort
of polygon is obtained.
If profile elevations were
free of errors, the situation
would be very simple. We
would then have a large number
of true elevation points which
would determine directly the
z-corrections for each model.
Unfortunately, as the ex-
perience with radar profile
technique proves, profiles show
very high general accuracy but
single points are affected by
accidental errors due to numer-
ous physical phenomena in- Fig. 2.
herent to this technique.
Exactly the opposite can be said about aerial triangulation. Except for possible ltd
points, the “local” accuracy of aerial triangulation is very high, whereas general au
is limited because of unfavourable accumulation of various errors. Consequently thet
rection curve must be a smooth curve and not a polygon, as it would be if profile elev
affected by accidental error were accepted. Strict analytical determination of this sui
curve is quite a difficult problem. However, a very simple graphical of numerical sii
is possible, applying a smoothing procedure as used in treatment of experimental 0
For instance, by replacing polygon points by the points which are centres of gni
certain number of consecutive polygon points, such a smooth curve can be obtu
Repeating the smoothing proces or using a larger number of polygon points for ouf
tation of centres of gravity, higher degree of smoothness will be obtained. |
This method, which can be applied very successfully to various photogranté”
procedures, has been used for the z-adjustment in our experimental aerial triang 2
The curve of the twofold repeated smoothing process using each time centres of gii
of the three consecutive points, was accepted as the correction curve. d
The theory of smoothing provides means to determine the necessa deg!
: STO vation der
smoothing. This is based on a comparison between the mean erro! of observa
Smoothing of APR-
© Correction according io APR
— Correction Curve
Established by