Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4a)

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Table 14. Scale and azimuth errors in a ten-model grid- 
triangulation in 4j 
Table 15. Scale and azimuth errors in a ten-model grid-triangulation in 
Coordinate differences TT 4 
In the O-system Scale Aümy | 
; In the errors (%,,) m | 
Distance grid net Alt I Alt II (deg | 
4x 4y 4x 4y 4x 4y pr 
mm mm mm mm mm mm | AIT | AIT Alt | yy I 
2 > nl 
00'— 00” 0,00 | 480.00 | + 0.16 | 480.04 | + 0.16 | 480.04] 0.00 0.00 | 
01’— 01" 0.00 | 480.00 | + 0.12 | 479.93 | + 0.12 | 479.98 | — 0.23 — (33 000 0 
12'— 12" 0.00 | 480.00 | -- 0.07 | 479.82 | + 0.16 | 480.04 | — 0.46 0.00 i ly 
23'— 23" 0.00 | 480.00 | + 0.02 | 479.71 | + 0.16 | 479.93 | — 0.69 — 033 m 00 
94'— 34" 0.00 | 480.00 | — 0.03 | 479.60 | + 0.20 | 480.04 | — 0.92 0.00 % big 
45— 45" | 0.00 | 480.00] — 0.08 | 479.49 | + 0.16 | 479.93 | — 1.15 | — 033 ll 
56’-— 56” 0.00 | 480.00 | — 0.13 | 479.38 | + 0.20 | 480.04 | — 1.37 0.00 ns M 
67— 67" 0.00 | 480.00 | — 0.17 | 479.27 | + 0.16 | 479.983 | — 1.60 — 0.93 on * 
18'— 78" 0.00 | 480.00 | — 0.21 | 479.16 | +- 0.20 | 480.04 | — 1.83 0.00 — 00; Uy 
89— 89" | 000 | 480.00| — 0.24 | 479.04 | + 0.16 | 479.98 | — 208 | — 093 2 1] *1i 
910'—910^" 0.00 | 480.00 | — 0.28 | 478.93 | + 0.20| 480.04|—2831| 000 - 0 " 
Alt I Alt II 
Distance Jg Scale Azimut Scale Ad 
Pene errors errors Venet errors un 
9 [oo degree "oo degree 
00'— 00" 220.10 0.00 0.00 219.96 0.00 000 
01'— 01" 220.10 0.00 — 0.01 219.83 — 0,59 — 00 
12'— 12” 220.12 + 0.10 — 0.04 219.95 — 0.05 +001 
23'— 23" 219.94 — 0.73 — 0.06 219.85 — 0.50 - (02 
94'— 34" 219.95 — 0.68 — 0.08 219.93 — 0.14 t 041 
4D'— 45” 219.96 — 0.64 — 0.10 219.88 — 0.36 - 00 
56'— 56” 219.90 — 0.91 — 0.10 219.91 — 028 +00 
67'’— 61" 219.85 — 1.14 — 0.14 219.88 — 0.36 +001 
78'— 78" 219.75 — 1.59 — 0.16 219.99 + 0.14 +00 
89'— 89” 219.69 — 1.86 — 0.18 219.85 — 0.50 +00 | 
910' —910" 219.62 — 2.18 — 0.18 219.94 — 0.09 +004 | 
points (00° 
and 910°). The result is shown in fig. 
21 (Alt. I and II), showing fl 
magnitude and direction of the errors after the fitting. The errors are statedi 
mm in the 
In this case, too, the variations in the scale and azimuth of the different mode 
were examined by studying the connection lines of the models, and the res 
is shown in table 15. The table shows directly that the conditions for determin 
the scale and azimuth of the O-system with the aid of isolated azimuth-determiné 
bases are much more favourable for Alt. II. It is particularly important thi 
in this case a strip is obtained with as small scale variations and curvature à 
possible, since the triangulation is graphic, all adjustments thus being dilficil 
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Fig, 21. PI 
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