Full text: Close-range imaging, long-range vision

ints are pro- 
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Course Length : 1.57 2km A h 
Vehicle Speed : 20- Ak Ii 
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Figure 5: A map of the testing site 
An experiment is conducted in a real urban out-door envi- 
ronment, KIRIGAOKA apartment complex in Tokyo. The 
measurement vehicle run a course about 1600m at a speed 
of 20km/h~40km/h. A map of the testing site and the ve- 
hicle trajectory is shown in Fig.10. Over 7000 range scan 
lines and 30000 line images are measured by each LD-A 
and line camera respectively as the vehicle moves ahead. 
All range scan lines and line images are geo-referenced 
using the calibration parameters and navigation data. Tex- 
tured CAD model of KIRIGAOKA apartment complex is 
reconstructed by first extracting geometric urban features 
using the integrated model of range points. In this experi- 
ment, there are totally 7,613,502 range points from LD-A 
measurement (see Fig.8(a)). 155 pieces of vertical building 
surfaces are extracted as shown in Fig.8(b). Texture map- 
ping is conducted subsequently using the geo-referenced 
line images. Two perspective views of the textured CAD 
model are shown in Fig.8(c,d), with their viewpoint from 
the ground and on the air respectively. All the processing 
are conducted in a Windows PC with a Pentium III Proces- 
sor, CPU 500MHz, RAM 256MB. Time cost of the total 
processing is about 3~4 hours. 
In this paper, a novel method is presented to efficiently 
generate textured CAD model of urban out-door environ- 
ment using vehicle-borne laser range scanner and line cam- 
eras. Both laser range scanners and line cameras are syn- 
chronized with a GPS/INS/Odometer based navigation sys- 
tem, so that the range and line images that measured by dif- 
ferent devices can be geo-referenced to a world coordinate 
system. Generating a textured CAD model of urban out- 
door environment is conducted in two procedures, where 
range data are first exploited to generate a geometric model 
of urban features, line images are then projected and re- 
sampled on the geometric model. Through an experiment, 
itis demonstrated that urban out-door environment can be 
reconstructed with high automation and efficiency. 
The authors would like to express their appreciation to Asia 
Air Survey Co. Ltd. for their long-term cooperations. 
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